ipcm - International Paint&Coating Magazine n. 33 Has Been Released

"Smartness", the relevance of customer service and products innovations: These are the three subjects outlined by the articles present in this issue of ipcm®.


Professionelles Gussputzen

Auf der kommenden GIFA wird AGTOS der Gießereibranche aktuelle Konzepte in der Strahltechnik zeigen.


New M2K Mechanical Plural Component Sprayers for Finishing Applications

The smart alternative to hand mixing. The M2K is an easy-to-use mixing and dosing system that has all you need in one small spray package.


Arsonsisi's new special liquid coatings

A range of industrial coatings with high technological content to coat metals, light alloys, different plastics and glass.


Axalta Coating Systems Launches Star Collection That Highlights Leading Powder Coatings' Colours and Effects

Axalta Coating Systems, one of the leading global suppliers of liquid and powder coatings, has just released its latest powder coating collection for architectural, general industrial and furniture use.


New from WAGNER: PXM Powder Centers

WAGNER has developed a new generation of its powder centers that can be adapted to the most diverse customer requirements.


The new issue of ICT - Industrial Cleaning Technologies Has Been Released

In this new issue, several application cases of different cleaning technologies and the debunking of some "myths" related to the industrial cleaning world.


H2O GmbH Presents Innovative Technologies at parts2clean

H2O developed an efficient solution, improving rinsing water quality and reducing cost at the same time.


Neues Chevrolet-Konzeptfahrzeug mit schillernder Lackierung von BASF

Mit seinem stromlinienförmigen Design und der exklusiven Lackierung im Farbton „Mid-night Glimmer" von BASF feierte das Konzeptfahrzeug Chevrolet FNR ein beeindruckendes globales Debüt im Rahmen der GM Gala Night, die kurz vor der Auto Shanghai 2015 stattfand.


Axalta Has the World's Second Largest Radio Telescope Covered Thanks To a Unique, Bespoke Coating

Axalta Coating Systems has produced a special coating for the radio telescope in Effelsberg, Germany, one of the largest telescopes in the world.


Industrial Valve Summit: l'eccellenza delle valvole Made in Italy in mostra a Bergamo

Si prospetta una prima edizione dai grandi numeri per IVS - Industrial Valve Summit, la nuova manifestazione internazionale dedicata alla filiera delle valvole industriali, in programma a Bergamo il 27 e 28 maggio 2015 e presentata oggi con una conferenza stampa presso Assolombarda.


ipcm Protective Coatings n. 13 Has Been Released

Expo 2015, latest product innovations and critical applications in the new issue of ipcm®_Protective Coatings.


Former Olympic Stadium Roof Contract for Sherwin-Williams

The contract to supply protective coatings to one of the UK's most famous sporting venues has been awarded to international leader Sherwin-Williams.


Tesla Motors Building the World's Most Advanced Paint Shop – With Eisenmann Technology

Eisenmann has secured the contract to build Tesla Motors' new paint shop, the most advanced in the world, at the US automaker's plant in Fremont, California. The deal, running to nine figures, is the most valuable in Eisenmann's history.


TEGO Dispers 675 - Neues Dispergiermittel für Coil Coatings mit hervorragender Farbstabilität

TEGO® Dispers 675 ist die perfekte Lösung für lösemittelhaltige Direktanreibungen in Farbbeschichtungen.
