Evonik präsentiert TROGAMID für mehr Designfreiheit in optischen Anwendungen

Auf der diesjährigen MIDO in Mailand präsentiert Evonik eine innovative Technologie zur Herstellung von Brillengestellen: IMPLEX basiert auf dem transparenten Hochleistungs-kunststoff TROGAMID® und ermöglicht mehr Designfreiheit für Brillenhersteller.


Industry first: interactive product catalogue with ISO 16890 filter classification for the first time

Freudenberg Filtration Technologies publishes 2017/2018 Viledon® product catalogue / Associated web app available from end-February.


Laboreinweihung in Russland

BYK zusammen ie Eröffnung eines hochmodernen Labors für BYKs Anwendungstechnik in Schyolkovo, in der Nähe von Moskau.


Axalta Coating Systems Introduces Alesta Lync Dry-on-Dry System

Eliminates the energy consuming process of two coat and two bake application.


ipcm Protective Coatings n. 20 (December 2016) now available

On issue n. 20 of ipcm®_Protective Coatings, you will find numerous articles on some new technologies for the enhancement of the durability of products: corrosion inhibitors in vapour phase for concrete and for applications in harsh environments, two-layer anti-corrosion powder coating systems certified according to the Norsok standards, and new generation polymeric materials. Finally, an Italian success story: the restoration of the anti corrosion coating of the Beaumont-Monteux dam's sluice gates, in France.


Dymax Introduces BlueWave MX-150 LED Spot-Curing System

Uniquely Designed to Offer Curing Flexibility.


Axaltas Alesta Anodic Collection gestaltet Londons Skyline

SOM hat Axalta Coating Systems für ihr Manhattan Loft Gardens Projekt gewählt.


Cortec Adds Extra VpCI Protection to Time-Proven Corrosion Inhibiting Coating

Now, VpCI®-368 EVP (Extra Vapor Protection) is also available for application in complex, sealed spaces where a greater concentration of vapor inhibitor is beneficial.


Dymax Introduces Multi-Cure 9451 Conformal Coating

A "True" Black Color Offering Enhanced Protection for Superior PCB Performance.


Evonik schließt Übernahme des Spezialadditiv-Geschäfts von Air Products erfolgreich ab

Transaktion von Kartellbehörden genehmigt - Integrationsprozess ist angelaufen - Synergien von 80 Millionen US-Dollar und positive Steuereffekte mit einem Barwert von mehr als 500 Millionen US-Dollar in den nächsten Jahren - Positiver Ergebnisbeitrag zum bereinigten Ergebnis je Aktie bereits im Jahr 2017 erwartet.


CBPE Capital Acquires Sustainable Solvent Solution Provider SAFECHEM from Dow

CBPE Capital LLP (CBPE) has acquired SAFECHEM Europe GmbH (SAFECHEM) from The Dow Chemical Company (Dow). The new ownership structure is effective January 1, 2017. With CBPE as new owner, SAFECHEM has an experienced partner to support its growth strategy. The value of the transaction is not being disclosed.


ipcm_LatinoAmérica n. 16 / ipcm_Ibérica n. 4 are now available

In LatinoAmérica n. 16/ipcm_Ibérica n. 4 issues, the focus is on finishing in the field of agricultural, construction and earthmoving equipment (ACE) with particular attention given to the off-road vehicle sector (topics that will be further developed at the international conference that eos and ipcm® have organised at the institutional headquarters of CNR in Bologna, Italy, on December, 14).


State-Of-The-Art Adapta Rustproof System Vs. ISO 20340:2009

Adapta Rustproof System® is highly recommended in extremely corrosive environments, such as, for example, coastal buildings and facilities.


Issue n. 42 of ipcm - International Paint&Coating Magazine Now Available

In issue n. 42 of ipcm®, the focus is on the field of agricultural, construction and earthmoving equipment (ACE) with particular attention given to the off-road vehicle sector (topics that will be further developed at the international conference that eos and ipcm® have organised at the institutional headquarters of CNR in Bologna, Italy, on December, 14).


Axalta Autofarbe des Jahres 2017 ist Gallant Gray

Diese luxuriöse Farbe wird von blauen und silbernen Flakes aufgewertet, die für einen einzigartigen Glitzereffekt und dunkle Untertöne sorgen und dem Decklack so mehr Fülle und Eleganz verleihen.
