IMCD Stem Lab avvicina scienza, didattica attiva e aziende al fine di includere i giovani studenti nel mondo del lavoro.
Dürr will be part of a joint project for setting innovative machine standards “made in Europe”.
Paint & Coatings Italy will also host a scientific programme focused on sustainability and regulations.
Turner will support the global communication teams and processes of Teknos Group.
NEW ARRAY ist die diesjährige Farbkollektion von BASF, die auf Nachhaltigkeit und Funktionalität konzentriert ist.
The acquisition will allow Henkel to strengthen its position in the area of functional coatings.
Walther Trowal stellt die AM-Post-Process-Maschine AM 2 und den Rotamat R 60 vor.
Stewart will focus on combining strategic thinking with people orientation to reach the targets of Teknos.
Die von Dürr entwickelte Elektrische Trockner reduzieren die CO2-Emissionen von Lackieranlagen um bis zu 40 %.
Charli Yu Walton and Fred Lu will be the first members of the Chinese Board of Directors of Belzona.<
The new product from ICP Group adds traction to slippery hard surfaces without compromising the appearance of the underlying floorings.
The acquisition will allow IMCD to strengthen its industrial footprint of specialty chemicals in Japan.
UBE Corporation will expand the production of PCD to meet the rising demand in the Asian region.
Gregoire Poux-Guillaume will succeed Thierry Vanlancker, CEO of AkzoNobel and member of the Board since 2017.
ALIT Technologies will present the new chrome-free passivation process for metal products Drizzling.