Alle Neuigkeiten zu Akquisitionen, Managementwechsel, Umsatz, neue Website, neuer Hauptsitz, neue Handelsvereinbarungen, Auszeichnungen, Unternehmenszertifizierungen, interne Initiativen, …
Marco Parma has been appointed as the new general manager of IST’s Italian headquarter.
Specialty chemicals company LANXESS placed first in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) Europe and second in the DJSI World.
For the ninth consecutive year, Clariant has been rated as one of the most sustainable companies in the chemical sector.
BASF und Ørsted haben einen 25-jährigen Festpreis-Stormliefervertrag geschlossen, wonach BASF die Leistung von 186 Megawatt aus Ørsteds geplantem Offshore-Windpark Borkum Riffgrund 3 in der deutschen Nordsee abnimmt.
With the ambition of leveraging its innovation and expertise in materials science to help build a sustainable world, Arkema has unveiled its new positioning and visual identity, which also entails a new logo.
The new German site will allow Graco to expand its presence and activities in the European e-mobility market.
At the end of October, Evonik inaugurated a new laboratory and testing facility dedicated to the development of specialty PU additives.
The guidebook on wastewater-free production is freely available on H2O GmbH website.
Datacolor’s ColorReader and Samplize paint samples will allow customers to simplify the entire pain selection process.
AkzoNobel has received the Royal Seal of Approval for its sustainability efforts.
As part of the sustainability strategy of Merck, the company has established The Merck Sustainability Advisory Panel (MSAP), which is made of six independent international experts who will advise the company on sustainability issues.
IEC+ announced that it has joined IM GROUP with the aim of strengthening their presence in the market globally.
AkzoNobel has invited the finalists of its “Paint the Future” global start-up challenge to a three-day bootcamp.
PPG joined the Bradford Science Festival as a major partner of the event's science, technology, engineering and mathematics education (STEM) programs.
Entegris wird das Precision-Microchemical-Geschäft von BASF nach Unterzeichnung eines Verkaufsvertrags übernehmen.