Pressemitteilungen vor und nach Messen und Veranstaltungen im Bereich Oberflächenbehandlung
IMCD aims to bridge the gap between knowledge by hosting a virtual sustainability conference for small-to-medium-size companies.
Auf der 20. Pipeline Technology Conference werden Innovationen und globale Kooperationen im Mittelpunkt stehen, um sinnvolle Diskussionen über die Zukunft der Pipeline-Industrie zu fördern.
Pero wird seine neuesten hochpräzisen Reinigungssysteme auf den Messen AMB, EuroBLECH und FMB präsentieren.
Turkchem 2024 will take place from 27 to 29 November at the Istanbul Expo Center, showcasing the latest developments in the chemicals industry.
Arkema will present its latest innovations for the Latin American paint, coatings and adhesives market during the next edition of Latin American Coatings Show.
Walther Trowal wird seine Gleitschleif-Maschinen auf der nächsten Ausgabe von AMB 2024 präsentieren, der vom 10. bis 14. September 2024 im Stuttgart stattfindet.
Fastener Fair Italy, l’evento in Italia dedicato a viteria, bulloneria e sistemi di fissaggio, si terrà a Milano dal 29 al 30 ottobre 2024.
Jotun will showcase its solutions to help the energy industry to maintain steel integrity.
FABTECH Orlando will be held from 15th to 17th October 2024 at the Orange County Convention Center of Orlando.
Während Biobased Coatings Europe 2024 präsentierte Dörken auch sein neues konservierungsmittelfreies Sortiment an ökologischen Pasten.
ALUMINIUM si terrà dall'8 al 10 ottobre 2024 a Düsseldorf. La piattaforma B2B per l'industria dell'alluminio e i suoi settori applicativi accoglierà produttori, utenti finali e fornitori di tecnologie provenienti da oltre 100 Paesi.
Die erfolgreiche Teilnahme von DÖRKEN an der SurfaceTechnology Germany 2024 unterstreicht sein für Innovation und Nachhaltigkeit.
The Central Asia Coatings Show will take place from 24th to 26th February 2025 in Astana.
DÖRKEN will attend Surface Technology Germany 2024, which takes place from 4th to 6th June at the Messe Stuttgart, to showcase its latest advancements in the coatings sector.
The fourth edition of Paint & Coatings, the leading event on the Iberian Peninsula for the paint and coatings sector, will be held from 20th to 21st November at the La Farga de L'Hospitalet exhibition centre in Barcelona (Spain).