
Nachrichten über Initiativen oder Produkte mit starkem Schwerpunkt auf Nachhaltigkeit

Gema’s Environmental Commitment: Leading the Way in Sustainability

Gema is at the forefront of sustainability and environmental protection, incorporating innovative technologies into every aspect of its operations. By focusing on eco-friendly solutions in powder coating processes and product development, Gema aims to reduce its ecological footprint, conserve resources, and promote a cleaner, safer future for all.


LANXESS Achieves Good Sustainability Ratings

LANXESS achieved top sustainability ratings in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe, ISS ESG, MSCI ESG and Gold Status from EcoVadis.


Teknos Becomes the Voice of Circularity for Paints and Coatings in the Nordic Circular Design Programme

Teknos joins the Nordic Circular Design Programme as the sole representative of the paints and coatings industry, leading initiatives to promote circular economy principles and drive education across the sector.


BASF Coatings setzt im Ferntransport auf Elektro-Lkw

BASF Coatings hat eine Testphase mit Elektro-Lkw mit über 10.000 Kilometern erfolgreich abgeschlossen und dabei die CO2-Emissionen um 45% reduziert.


2024 BCF Coatings Care Report Highlights Improvements Across Sustainability Measures in the Coatings Industry

The report reveals record-low levels of energy consumption in production, a sharp decrease in accident rates, and a notable reduction in production waste, including a decrease in the amount sent to landfill.


Clariant Pioneers Sustainability with a Fully PFAS-Free Additive Portfolio

This move underscores Clariant’s dedication to innovation, environmental stewardship, as well as its customers' evolving needs in response to stricter global regulations on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).


Vulcan und BASF schließen Partnerschaft zur Erkundung von regionalem Geothermie-Potenzial

Mit einer potenziellen Leistung von 300 Megawatt thermischer Energie könnten am BASF-Standort jährlich rund 4 Millionen Tonnen Energieträgers eingesetzt werden.


Micro Powders Will Exit the PTFE Market in 2025

Micro Powders has developed a wide range of PTFE-free replacement products based on nanocomposite technology.


Allnex, PTT and Econic sign a Memorandum of Understanding to Explore Advanced Polymers from CO2

The companies aim to reduce the environmental footprint and develop eco-friendly polymers for the paints and coatings industry.


The Carbon Trust Verifies Four BASF Intermediates with a Lower Than Market Average Product Carbon Footprint

This certification offers BASF customers additional support in selecting products, enabling them to make more informed choices and better understand the environmental impact of BASF products within their value chains.


Venator Obtained the EcoVadis ‘Gold Rating’ for the Second Consecutive Year

The new sustainability rating places Venator in top 5% of all the companies assessed by Ecovadis.


Mitsubishi Chemical Group Introduced the Upgraded Biomass-based Polycarbonatediol BENEBiOL

The new BENEBiOL™ contributes to the sustainable formulations of paints and coatings while maintaining high-quality functions.


Arkema Launches New Ethyl Acrylates Based Entirely on Bio-Ethanol

Arkema will produce ethyl acrylate for paints and coatings exclusively from bio-ethanol sustainably sourced from bio-mass feedstock.


BASF reduziert Treibhausgasemissionen mit neuer Wärmepumpe um 98%

BASF hat den Förderzusage für den Bau der leistungsstärksten Industrie-Wärmepumpe zur CO2-freien Dampferzeugung erhalten.


Sun Chemical Released Its 14th Sustainability Report

The new sustainability report showcases the continued prioritisation of Sun Chemical to circular economy and corporate social responsibility.
