
Nachrichten über Initiativen oder Produkte mit starkem Schwerpunkt auf Nachhaltigkeit

Adapta Renewed the Environmental Product Declaration for its VIVENDI SDS Collection

Adapta Color has renewed the Environmental Product Declaration for the years 2024-2029 for its VIVENDI SDS (Super Durable System) Collection.


Arkema to Attend PaintIndia 2024

Arkema will participate in the next edition of PaintIndia to present its new technologies for the paints and coatings market.


CDP bestätigte die führende Position von BASF im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit

BASF wird mit Platzierung A- beim Klimaschutz, Wassermanagement und für Waldschutz ausgezeichnet.


BASF hat das GLASS-Tool zur Berechnung von CO2- und Kostensimulationen für Automobilhersteller eingeführt

Das von BASF entwickelte neue GLASS-Tool wird es Lackierereien in Automobilfabriken ermöglichen, Kosten, Leistung und Nachhaltigkeit zu optimieren.


AkzoNobel Intersleek® 1100SR Coating Successfully Reduced Costs and Carbon Emissions

Data compiled from ships show that the coating Intersleek 1100SR® by AkzoNobel helped reduce fuel bills by $8 billion and emissions by 41 million tons.


Roquette Received the ISCC PLUS Certification

The sustainable POLYSORB® product portfolio of Roquette allowed the company to achieve the ISCC PLUS Certification.


Evonik Obtained the ISCC PLUS Sustainability Certification for the Essen Site

The third-party sustainability accreditation supports the continued transformation of Evonik portfolio towards sustainable raw materials.


Vattenfall und BASF sind Partner für die deutschen Offshore-Windparks Nordlicht 1 und 2

Aus der Gesamtleistung der Offshore-Windparks von 1,6 Gigawatt erhält BASF fossilfreien Strom für ihre europäischen Standorte.


Evonik Has Earned a Higher Sustainability Rating from Morningstar Sustainalytics

The Morningstar Sustainalytics' low risk rating placed Evonik among the top 5% of the chemical industry on a global scale.


Cortec Has Opened the First VCI Solar-Powered Plant in Europe

The new European plant of Cortec, powered by solar panels, will allow to company to produce more eco-friendly solutions.


AkzoNobel Launched an Architectural Powder Coating That Can Cure at 150° C

The new Interpon D1036 Low-E powder coating from AkzoNobel improves efficiencies and reduces energy consumption for architectural applications.


PPG Cooperates with the Czech Organisation ‘Facts on Climate Change’ for Sustainability Education

The partnership between PPG and the Facts on Climate Change organisation will further support the sustainable education.


Evonik Crosslinkers Production Site in U.S.A. Obtained ISCC PLUS Certification

The production of renewable isophorone-based drop-in solutions will allow Evonik to offer more sustainable coatings and reduce emissions.


The Next Edition of the Egypt Energy Show Will Host the 1st CLIMATECH Challenge Event

The CLIMATECH Challenge event represents an important opportunity for start-ups to present their latest innovations in the field of sustainability and circular economy.


Perstorp Received the Gold Medal for Sustainability from EcoVadis

The sustainability rating from EcoVadis places Perstorp among the top 5% of the companies assessed on a global scale.
