
Looking Inside the Microcosm of Car Painting

With the Viledon® filterCair module "Basic + Dirt in Paint", Freudenberg brings the cause of the tiniest paint defects into the light of day


Generation III RTS Range Launched in Europe

The third generation RTS range offers more than 1500 products in a wide range of product qualities, colors and appearances.


Anmeldefrist für die IMTS 2018 läuft

Starkes Wirtschaftswachstum verspricht eine der bestbesuchten Shows seit Jahren; IMTS arbeitet mit McCormick Place an mehr Ausstellungsfläche


Rilsan, the Renewable Water-Repellent Polyamide

Polyamides deliver many high performance features, such as toughness, corrosion resistance and electric isolation. Rilsan resin is also water-repellent and offers a high chemical resistance.


RAILTECH 2018 Conference - 13th February, Firenze

Increasing productivity and reducing throughput time for the corrosion protection of railway rolling stock


Out Now Issue n. 49 of ipcm - International Paint&Coating Magazine

Innovation in the ordinary to achieve the extraordinary.


Cabycal entrega una línea automatizada de pasivado de piezas de aluminio a Gestamp

La instalación, que se puso en marcha a finales de 2017, entrará en funcionamiento en las próximas semanas


Eisenmann gestaltet im Vorstand von „MindSphere World" die Zukunft der Industrie 4.0

Beim Rennen um industrielle IoT-Cloudlösungen positioniert sich die Eisenmann SE gemeinsam mit der Siemens AG und 17 weiteren Partnerunternehmen als Innovationsführer im Verein „MindSphere World". Ziel des Zusammenschlusses ist der weltweite Ausbau des cloud-basierten, offenen Betriebssystems MindSphere als zentrale IoT-Plattform.


Setting a new standard with our new hull performance system SHAPE

Responding to shipping's continuing needs for sustainable solutions for increased efficiency, today we are launching our new digital analysing tool – Systems for Hull and Propeller Efficiency (SHAPE). Based on the ISO 19030 framework, SHAPE combines elements of efficiency optimisation, delivering expert advice and solutions to every ship operator.


Clariant erweitert Tätigkeit in ihrer Produktionsanlage in Coatzacoalcos, Mexiko

Clariant, ein weltweit führendes Spezialchemieunternehmen, hat die Erweiterung ihrer Industrieanlage in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, abgeschlossen und steigert so die Produktionskapazität um etwa 15%.


Dürr Creates Paint Shop for Electric Vehicles in China

The future belongs to electric cars, since they allow an emission-free and sustainable mobility. The established car manufacturers are increasingly being joined in the market by new competitors, especially in China.


AkzoNobel Brings the Latest Digital Color Technology to Yacht Coatings Customers

Customers using AkzoNobel's yacht coatings can now take advantage of a new digital tool which offers a wide selection of colors from its industry-leading Awlgrip product range.


Ipcm Paints The World Orange

Globally connected, globally read.


Chemetall Becomes BASF's New Global Brand for Innovative Surface Treatment Technologies

It is just over one year since BASF's Coatings division acquired Chemetall, a leading global surface treatment supplier. Being well-known within the industry for its high-quality products and solutions, Chemetall will operate as a brand of the Surface Treatment global business unit of BASF's Coatings division.


Ara Cool: Bringing Coatings to New Climates

Due to increasing regulatory pressure and economic demands, the past decade has seen significant developments within the protective coatings industry. For example, the 2006 introduction of the REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals) legislation by the European Union, aimed to regulate the use of hazardous chemicals.
