
Intuitivere Bedienung beim neuen Software-Update der Vacutouch-Maschinensteuerung

Das Software-Update zur Steuerung Vacutouch für VACUDEST Vakuumdestillationssystemen wird bedienfreundlicher und moderner. Es erscheint voraussichtlich im Herbst 2016.


Dymax Introduces BlueWave MX-150 LED Spot-Curing System: Uniquely Designed to Offer Curing Flexibility

The system can be used as a bench-top unit or integrated into an automated system, and its LED emitters are available in 365, 385, or 405 nm wavelengths.


Axalta eröffnet im schweizerischen Basel neuen Hauptsitz für die Region Europa, Naher Osten und Afrika

Regionale strategische Ausrichtung des Unternehmens wird durch den Umzug gestärkt.


World's Largest Producer of Anticorrosion Packaging Announces its Latest Breakthrough Product: EcoShield Nitrite Free Film powered by Nano-VpCI, Patent Pending

EcoShield® VpCI®-226 Series Film replaces the typical oils and desiccants used to protect packaged metal parts, not only guarding against corrosion, but eliminating extra labor time and the hassle of removing greasy coatings.


The issue n. 40 of ipcm - International Paint&Coating Magazine Has Been Released

The issue n. 40 of ipcm® is available (July/August 2016), a special edition dedicated to innovative materials and surface treatments for cars and their components, with a rich selection of success stories about companies who found a way to innovate and grow, contributing to the technological development of a key business like the car industry.


Adapta VIVENDI Collection got an A+

Adapta tested the products of its VIVENDI collection intended for architecture according to ISO standard 16000-9:2006, regarding the determination of the emission of volatile organic compounds from building products and furnishing, achieving a great result.


BASF fördert Forschung und Entwicklung im Bereich Fahrzeuglacke in der Region Asien-Pazifik

Neue Laboranlagen erweitern die Möglichkeiten für Forschung und Entwicklung in der Nähe der Schlüsselkunden; Schwerpunkt auf umweltschonenden Technologien.


Europolveri: new UL homologation

Europolveri has recently obtained the prestigious UL homologation for its Textured Powder Coatings of Grey Durpol Series 9.


Covestro wird Premium-Partner der Deutschen Eishockey Liga

Hightech-Werkstoffe bieten Spaß und Schutz für Spieler und Fans.


Lechler Color Booster - CAPSURE

Portable reader for measuring pastel colours on flat surfaces, can produce accurate chromatic readings even on small surfaces. Using this tool simplifies identification of the colour within the vast range of colour collections made by Lechler.


The Geico Taikisha alliance celebrates its fifth anniversary

In five years, Geico's turnover has tripled while Taikisha's increased by 65%.


Kompakt und ungewöhnlich leistungsstark

Durchdachte Technologie, hohe Effizienz und umfassende Beratungsleistung bei der industriellen Teilereinigung: Auf der diesjährigen AMB in Stuttgart wird die Pero AG die kompakte Baureihe „R0" präsentieren.


Ransflex RXi Electrostatic Spray Gun: Sprays Water Based Paints Without Isolation Equipment

RXi is a low pressure air atomising electrostatic spray gun powered by an inbuilt turbine generator. The handle incorporates many fit and feel improvements with better balanced weight to reduce operator fatigue.


Safic-Alcan completes acquisition of its Swedish subsidiary Safic-Alcan Nordic

Safic-Alcan, an international distributor of specialty chemicals, announced that it has successfully gained full ownership of its Swedish subsidiary, Safic-Alcan Nordic.


The new website of Dollmar Meccanica is online

Special contents, user friendly, suitable for any kind of device and high quality design.
