
Effiziente Lösung für das Fräsen von Landeklappen bei GKN Aerospace

Am Münchner Standort des Unternehmens GKN Aerospace ist seit März 2015 eine neue Fooke-Fünf-Achs Portalfräsmaschine mit einer maßgeschneiderten Entstaubungsanlage von Keller Lufttechnik erfolgreich im Einsatz. Die hochmoderne und hochproduktive Bearbeitungsmaschine ist 14 Meter lang und dient der Herstellung von Flugzeug-Landeklappen aus carbonfaserverstärktem Kunststoff (CFK).


The new issue of ICT - Industrial Cleaning Technologies Has Been Released

In ICT n. 8 (September 2015), an in-depth article about a water-based cleaning system able to clean neat and emulsified oils, new vibratory finishing technologies and many cleaning solutions to enhance production efficiency and quality.


ipcm - International Paint&Coating Magazine n. 35 Has Been Released

The new issue of ipcm®, with the focus on agriculture, construction and earthmoving equipment (ACE) and heavy machinery, is available.


Axalta Coating Systems unterzeichnet ein Partnerschaftsabkommen mit der Universität Oviedo in Spanien

Axalta Coating Systems, ein weltweit führender Anbieter von Flüssig- und Pulverlacken, hat heute ein Partnerschaftsabkommen mit der Universität Oviedo in Asturien/Spanien unterzeichnet. In einem ersten Schritt dieser Partnerschaft wird Axalta ab November 2015 Studierenden Praktikumsplätze in seiner Niederlassung in Asturien anbieten.


H2O GmbH is a new partner of the Blue Competence sustainability initiative

H2O GmbH joined the Blue Competence sustainability initiative.


New Member of the Executive Board at TIGER Coatings

Thomas Loibl Appointed Global Chief Operating Officer.


Axalta Coating Systems stringe una collaborazione con Saro S.a.s

Saro S.a.s è riconosciuta sul mercato come una delle agenzie di rappresentanza più importanti nel segmento delle vernici in polvere.



New mixing and dosing unit ideally suited for multicolor applications.


5 good reasons to try the ecommerce of Arsonsisi powder coatings

A year after the introduction of its online purchasing service, available only in Italy and born to simplify and speed up order management, Arsonsisi is improving its offer and sales terms. Why use it?


Axalta lanza su nueva página web en español

Axalta Coating Systems, uno de los principales proveedores mundiales de pinturas y recubrimientos líquidos y en polvo, ha lanzado la versión española de su página web corporativa mundial.


Il nuovo Ecolabel dei prodotti vernicianti: un convegno sul tema

Innovhub SSI organizza un convegno sulle opportunità offerte dal nuovo Ecolabel il 30 ottobre 2015.


BINKS GEMS: 2K Electronic Mixing Solution

GEMS is the easy to operate 2K mixing solution that audits your paint resin and solvent usage while helping to reduce solvent waste.


Corrosione: Acciai Inossidabili e Superleghe – nuova edizione del corso organizzato da Centro Inox e PoliLaPP

Il Centro Inox organizza la terza edizione del suo corso di successo: quattro giornate (25-26 novembre e 2-3 dicembre 2015) di approfondimento sulla corrosione degli acciai inossidabili e delle superleghe.
