
Ausgezeichnete Funktionalität und dekoratives Design für Metallkonstruktionen

Alesta AntiGraffiti Outdoor Beschichtung von Axalta Coating Systems.


High-Performance Zinc Flake Basecoat

At the Fastener Fair, Dörken MKS Systems presented Delta-Protekt® KL 120, the company's new, strong basecoat with outstanding corrosion protection properties. A particular feature is the extremely high level of white rust resistance in combination with all topcoats - especially interesting in the case of black topcoats.


BASF Coatings Receives Internationally Renowned If Design Award

Global Trend Book "Under the Radar" überzeugt die Jury im Bereich Kommunikationsdesign.


The Paint Industry: Innovation and Global Vision

The roundtable at the Teatro Imperiale in Montecatini Terme, organized by Verinlegno in occasion of its 40th anniversary.


BYK Additive für optimierte Prozesse

Auf der weltweit größten und wichtigsten Fachmesse der Coatings-Branche, die vom 21. bis 23. April 2015 in Nürnberg stattfindet, wird das Unternehmen mit einem rund 300 m2 großen Messestand vertreten sein.


König Kunde – Unternehmen verstärken Innovationsmaßnahmen

Neuentwicklungen werden stärker auf Kundenbedarfe ausgerichtet; Jedes dritte Unternehmen gibt 2015 mehr Geld für Innovation aus; 78 Prozent der Firmen belohnen gute Ideen auch finanziell.


Evonik/BCD Chemie distribution agreement for Switzerland

BCD Chemie has been representing Evonik Industries in Switzerland with thermoplastic (meth)acrylate resins under the brand name DEGALAN®.


X-Rite Announces Next-Generation Spherical Spectrophotometers for Color Measurement

The Ci7800 and Ci7600 can adjust to any color supply chain; in addition, they provide a visual record of every sample as well as a detailed audit trail of the settings at the time of measurement.


Energieeffizienz ist die Summe vieler einzelner Maßnahmen

Industriebetriebe, die keim Kauf neuer Anlagen neben den Investitionskosten auch die Betriebskosten berücksichtigen, merken oft: Eine Entscheidung für mehr Energieeffizienz ist nicht nur ökologisch richtig, sondern auch ökonomisch sinnvoll. Was das in Bezug auf Absaug- und Abscheideanlagen zur Luftreinhaltung in der Produktion konkret heißt und welche unterschiedlichen Stellschrauben wichtig sind, um diese Systeme energetisch zu optimieren, erklären Fachleute von Keller Lufttechnik im April 2015 auf der Hannover Messe (Halle 13, Stand D30).


Industrial Valve Summit: The International Conference Program is Now Available

Excellent results for the Call for Papers of the International Conference, which will take place in Bergamo (Italy), next May 27th and 28th, during IVS 2015 – Industrial Valves Summit.


Ipcm_LatinoAmérica n.9 / ipcm_Ibérica n. 3 Have Been Released

ipcm®_LatinoAmérica is a quarterly digital magazine in Spanish and Portuguese language distributed in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. Along with the digital version ipcm®_LatinoAmérica, it is now available a printed version dedicated to readers in Spain and Portugal: ipcm®_Ibérica.


Assovernici: disponibile il secondo numero del notiziario "in Assovernici"

L'associazione formata dai produttori di vernici operanti in Italia ha lanciato il suo notiziario dedicato alle attività dell'Ente e allo stato dell'industria di settore.


An Important Acknowledgment for Europolveri

Europolveri received the official Qualisteelcoat (QSC) approval certificate for anticorrosion treatment cycles under the name of "EuroCorr Steel ST2".


Convegno: "L'evoluzione estetica dell'elettrodomestico nel XXI secolo" - Giovedì 12 Marzo 2015 presso IED - Istituto Europeo di Design, Milano

Innovazioni, tendenze, nuovi materiali e prestazioni per la finitura e la protezione di elettrodomestici e loro componenti.


Alesta Anodic Gold powder coating from Axalta Coating Systems helps Belgian designer shine

A newly launched colour in the Alesta Anodic Collection – Anodic Gold – has brought a very special finish to an inspirational and stunning light fixture. Designed by Yves Pauwels at Belgian firm Falluce.
