
Roma: nuova sede per i corsi di formazione in verniciatura e controllo qualità ipcm_Academy

I corsi di formazione professionale organizzati da ipcm_Academy e dedicati ai tecnici di verniciatura e del controllo qualità da quest'anno si svolgeranno a Milano e a Roma.


Ipcm Protective Coatings n. 12 has Been Released

Corrosion protection technologies, focus on the oil and gas industry and presentation of all the events and training courses dealing with corrosion in the new issue of ipcm® Protective Coatings.


Axalta Launches New Generation C6 Formaldehyde-Free Electrical Steel Varnish

Axalta Coating Systems launches its new generation C6 electrical steel varnish – Voltatex® 1262.


Devilbiss and Binks Are On the Crest of a Wave of New Product Innovation

Finishing Brands recently hosted an International Distributor Conference in Bournemouth UK to launch a wide range of new spray finishing products.


Custom Fabricated Equipment Covers and Hoods Powered by Nano-VpCI

Latest Export Packaging Advancement from EcoCortec® d.o.o. Croatia.


BASF und Glunz entwickeln gemeinsam vier neue Farben für MDF-Platten

Dispers-Pigmentpräparationen sorgen für einheitliche Durchfärbung der Plattenwerkstoffe. Designprototypen auf Basis von Firemist®-Effektpigmenten zeigen vielfältige Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten.


Spitzentechnologie ermöglicht wirtschaftliche Vorbehandlung

Vortrag von H2O GmbH auf dem Pulversymposium Dresden.


Inventec Performance Chemicals Acquire SMT International LLC, Manufacturer of AMTECH Solder Pastes and Process Support Products

With acquisition Inventec expands its global footprint to North America and its product offering with AMTECH solder paste and process support products.


LB Foster's Overhead Conveyor Doubles Production Capacity for SignFab

A bespoke overhead conveyor, designed and manufactured by LB Foster Materials Handling, has been installed into the new paint processing plant of SignFab UK.


BASF und Hemmelrath Technologies vereinbaren Entwicklungspartnerschaft

Kooperation soll Geschwindigkeit und Qualität der Lack- und Farbenherstellung erhöhen.


EUROCORR 2015: The Abstract Submission is Open

ASMET, the Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials, is proud to host the European Corrosion Congress EUROCORR 2015. The conference will take place in Graz (Austria) at the Stadthalle, from September 6th to the 10th 2015.


Axalta unterstützt internationalen Sicherheitsworkshop der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal

Veranstaltung vermittelte Teilnehmern Einblicke in die praktizierte Arbeitssicherheitskultur des Unternehmens.


ipcm_LatinoAmérica n.8 / ipcm_Ibérica n. 2 have been released

ipcm®_LatinoAmérica is a quarterly digital magazine in Spanish and Portuguese language distributed in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. Along with the digital version ipcm®_LatinoAmérica, it is now available a printed version dedicated to readers in Spain and Portugal: ipcm®_Ibérica.


ipcm - International Paint&Coating Magazine n. 30 Has Been Released

ipcm® - and the insert ICT – close 2014 with an issue full of news and the most important innovations in the industry.
