
The Issue n. 90 of ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine Is Out Now

Read the latest issue of the magazine dedicated to surface treatments and organic and inorganic finishes – Special edition dedicated to agricultural, construction and earth-moving equipment!


Chemtec Lab Experience - Focus on ACET: un evento per scoprirne le potenzialità

L’evento Chemtec Lab Experience - Focus on ACET offrirà una panoramica di questa innovativa tecnica di misurazione della resistenza alla corrosione dei rivestimenti.


Cortec® Successfully Protects Shipboard Control Rooms from Corrosion

VpCI® Emitters from Cortec® offer an effective solution to protect engine room controls from corrosion and prevent the failures that can arise from it.


Researchers from University of Oklahoma Will Develop a Non-Toxic Primer for Aerospace Applications

This initiative aims to reduce health risks to workers and lessen environmental impacts while safeguarding U.S. military aerospace assets from corrosion.


Issue n. 8 of Corrosion Protection Magazine Out Now!

Read the latest issue of the magazine dedicated to corrosion prediction, prevention, protection and mitigation!


Cortec Successfully Fights Corrosion in Water Pipes of New Buildings

The innovative VpCI®-649 HP Hydrotest Additive from Cortec can protect pipes for Up to 24 months.


Kumamoto University Researchers Developed a Non-Porous Graphene Oxide Barrier Protective Coating

The research will help to develop the next-generation of coatings with enhanced protective properties.


Cortec's Solutions Successfully Combat Internal Corrosion in Marine Structures

Vapor phase corrosion inhibitors from Cortec can protect steel floats and offshore caissons from corrosion attack.


Dörken präsentiert seine Zinklamellenbeschichtungen auf WindEnergy Hamburg

Auf WindEnergy Hamburg zeigt Dörken Beschichtungen, die einen langlebigen, zuverlässigen und wirtschaftlichen Einsatz von Windkraftanlagen gewährleisten.


Cortec® Successfully Attend IMOX Expo Trade Fair

The Indonesia Marine & Offshore Expo (IMOX) has been held from 31st July to 2nd August 2024.


PPG Presented the PPG PITT-THERM 909 Spray-On Insulation Coating for Oil and Gas Infrastructure

The new PPG PITT-THERM 909 spray-on insulation coating offers high temperature resistance, protecting both operators and critical assets.<


Jotun Released a Report on Corrosion Management for the Oil & Gas Industry

The report from Jotun reveals that the 88% of senior decision makers anticipate increased investments in maintenance over next five years.


PPG Launched PPG PRIMERON Optimal Powder Primer with Optimized Zinc

The newly-developed Primeron Optimal primer from PPG is a free-solvent solution formulated with an optimised amount of zinc to provide better transfer efficiency and corrosion protection.


Jotun Launched Industry’s First CX-Rated Anticorrosive Powder Coating

The CX-rated anticorrosive powder coating developed by Jotun protects steel used in the most extreme environments to prevent critical equipment from corrosion.


Cortec Effectively Solves Corrosion Problems for the Offshore Market

Cortec’s Vapor Phase Corrosion Inhibitors (VpCIs) provide flexibility and efficiency for oil and gas companies seeking effective anticorrosive solutions.
