ECKART Unveils Innovative Solutions at European Coatings Show 2025

ECKART's participation in ECS 2025 highlights its commitment to innovation, sustainability, and the future of the coatings industry.


Runaya and ECKART Will Build a Sustainable Aluminium Powder Facility in India

The new Indian facility will produce low carbon footprint products used in high-end applications such as aerospace, solar panels and high value effect pigments.


Eckart Launched LUXAN CFX B842 Immersion Red Pigment for Paints and Coatings

Eckart's new pigment LUXAN CFX B842 Immersion Red gives high-quality automotive paints an elegant appearance and is compatible with water-, solvent- and UV-based coatings.


Eckart Introduced the New Metallic Pigment LUXAN CFX B604 Midnight Silver

Eckart has expanded its range of effect pigments for autonomous driving with the LUXAN CFX B604 Midnight Silver metallic pigment.


Neue nachhaltige Pigmente von ECKART auf European Coatings Show

ECKART präsentiert sein breites Portfolio an nachhaltigen Pigmenten für Pulverlacke auf ECS 2023.


ECKART Donates to Support Group for Children with Cancer

ECKART collected €10,000 during its 2022 Christmas fund-rising event to support children and their families.


ECKART Launches New Zinc Flake Pigment for Heavy-Duty Corrosion Protection

ECKART launched the new ProFlake Zn 3000 zinc flake pigment which is optimized for sustainable corrosion protective paint systems.


ECKART Obtains EcoVadis Platinum Status

EcoVadis, the world’s largest provider of sustainability rankings, awarded ECKART with the Platinum status.


ECKART präsentierte das Anti-Fading-Effekt EDELSTEIN Sapphire Blue

Das von ECKART neu entwickelte Pigment hält den hochbunten Blauton in allen Betrachtungswinkeln unverändert.


ECKART bringt neues Additiv SynAdd auf den Markt

ECKART hat mit SynAdd ein neues Additiv auf den Markt gebracht, dass die technischen Eigenschaften von Lacken und Kunststoffen optimiert.


Clariant Presented its Colour of the Year 2022: Memory Gold

Clariant presents its colour of the year 2022, Memory Gold, which is part of the new “golden” palette.


ECKART Will Increase the Prices of its Products from January 2022

EKCART has announced an increase in the prices of its products starting from January 1, 2022.


Andreas Gipp Is the New Managing Director at Eckart GmbH

Eckart’s new managing director will complete the management team.


Autonomous Driving Now Has Silver Metallic Pigments

Until now, conventional silver metallic paints have represented a challenge in the autonomous driving field where it is essential that paints have a high degree of transparency. However, ECKART has now launched on the market pigments for silver metallic color shades specifically for use in this sector.
