On-site reports


Decorluxe Drives Sustainability in Its Cosmetic Packaging Hub in Synergy with Its Long-Standing Paint Supplier

In the exclusive world of cosmetic packaging, product wrapping is not simply a matter of containers but a crucial element of branding, capable of communicating emotions and conveying an image of quality and sophistication. Sometimes, outer appearance can even outweigh the importance of the content itself. The quality of the wrapping inevitably depends on the perfection of its coating. The Decorluxe Group stands as a centre of excellence in luxury packaging in Italy – an achievement reached thanks to the extraordinary and far-sighted vision of Claudio Mottini, the CEO of V.M.C. Mottini, and the solid collaboration of trusted, long-standing partners, including liquid paint manufacturer Vernici Caldart.

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At Demo Serbatoi, Production Continuity is Ensured by the Paint Manufacturer’s Foresight

One of the most challenging fields of application for paint manufacturers is that of storage tanks, as these containers require protection against both the weather that attacks them externally and the chemicals inside them. Mirodur, a producer of industrial and protective coatings, has won the trust of one of the giants in this sector, Italian company Demo Serbatoi, thanks to its products’ high quality and performance but also its foresight, enabling to anticipate customer needs with formulations developed with a view to future enhancement.

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Reducing Overspray, Increasing Productivity: Mascar Installed a New Purification System for the Effluent of Its Coating Booths’ Water Curtains

To ensure greater efficiency and further commit to sustainability, Mascar turned to industrial water treatment expert Water Energy to clean the liquid that feeds their overspray-capturing water curtains, installing a Skimmerflot 5000 system.

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Metallic and Special-Effect Powder Coatings for Emboss’ Three-Dimensional Cladding Surfaces

Powder coating, with its evolving colour, decorative, and aesthetic effects that imitate natural surfaces and improve both the appearance and the functional performance of the treated components, is increasingly the preferred choice of architects and designers for finishing architectural elements, such as metal cladding. That is also thanks to the collaboration and joint experimentation between metal panel manufacturers and powder coating manufacturers. In this article, we recount the professional partnership between Emboss Panels, a specialist in the production of metal panels with three-dimensional effects, and TIGER Coatings, which supplies it with special-effect, matte and flat matte, metallic, and anodised-like powder coatings to enrich its products’ sculpted surfaces.

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When Every Detail Matters: La Marzocco’s New Coating Plant

A cutting-edge, water-based coating cycle, a new plant designed by Silvi in collaboration with Futura and CMA Robotics, and a water treatment system supplied by Water Energy to optimise environmental sustainability: these were the technical choices made by La Marzocco, an Italian manufacturer of excellence in the industry of high-end professional coffee machines.

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A New Laser Scanner System for Pintarelli Verniciature’s Programming-Free, Automatic Powder Coating Plant: a Further Boost to the Quality of Its Certified Coatings

Pintarelli Verniciature is one of the best-known companies in the contract powder coating industry thanks to its ability to anticipate market needs, its research into internationally certified processes, and its collaboration with universities and firms in the sector to study and develop quality-oriented solutions. The latest one, implemented in January, was a Dynamic Contour Detection system from Gema.

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Donelli Alexo Inaugurates a New Plant for Applying FBE Powder Linings on Oil & Gas and Drinking Water Valves

The Donelli Group, a pioneer in corrosion protection since 1911, has opened an innovative factory in Ferno (Varese, Italy): Donelli Alexo MXP. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, it will be the company’s hub for the application of powders, including FBE powder coatings, on valve, tank, and pipe internal surfaces and of liquid paints on both these components and actuators for the oil & gas and drinking water sectors.

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