European Coatings SHOW 2015: WACKER Is Presenting a New Silicone Resin for Water-Repellent Wood Coatings and Binders for Dirt- and Weather-Resistant Exterior Paints

One of the highlights is the new silicone resin emulsion SILRES® WH. The product, which is based on a new silicone resin, can be used as a hydrophobizing wood impregnating agent or as an additive in wood stains. WACKER is also showcasing a binder from its new PRIMIS® line for high-value outdoor applications.

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REIKU's bio-based corrugated cable protection tubing combines outstanding bending cycle resistance with environmental benefits

An environmentally friendly alternative to products made from conventional oil-based materials that offers tangible advantages in application.

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UCIF e l'energia per la vita

UCIF concentra anche quest'anno la sua attenzione sul tema dell'efficienza energetica.

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„Kundenspezifische Entwicklungen": unter diesem Motto stellt Rosink sein Know-how zum Thema „Industrielle Teilereinigung" auf der Hannover Messe 2015 (Halle 3, Stand G33) allen Interessierten zur Verfügung

Ergreifen Sie die Chance und überzeugen Sie sich, auf dem Rosink Messestand (Halle 3 Stand G33) auf der Hannover Messe 2015 (13.04.-17.04.), von unserem Know-How. Zudem können zwei Reinigungsmaschinen direkt in Augenschein genommen werden.

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Nuovo workshop: "La verniciatura a polvere"

Il workshop, organizzato da EUROIMPIANTI Srl, GEMA Europe Srl, PULVERIT Spa, REYS Spa e SAITA Srl in collaborazione con ipcm, si terrà il 20 febbraio presso Caselle di Sommacampagna.

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ipcm - International Paint&Coating Magazine n. 31 Has Been Released

Numerous case studies, the ICT insert and a brand new look are the main features of the first 2015 issue of ipcm®.

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El primer Informe de Sostenibilidad de Axalta Coating Systems está ahora disponible en varios idiomas

El informe está disponible para las partes interesadas de todo el mundo en diferentes idiomas incluyendo el chino, alemán, francés, español y portugués brasileño.

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Anniversary robot for the largest Dürr robot order

The scope of the project itself would be reason enough for Dürr to celebrate. But there is another reason. As part of this project, Dürr is going to ship its nine thousandth robot to Tesla Motors in Fremont, USA.

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Evonik launches DEGALAN VP P 34 - a new heat-sealing binder - on the market

Direct adhesion to aluminum without addition of an adhesion promoter, thanks to DEGALAN VP P 34; complexity of coating formulation reduced.

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New beadmill inaugurated at BASF site in Deeside, United Kingdom

The beadmill replaces a Cox triple-roll mill that was more than 50 years old.

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Merck se posiciona con su nueva marca de calidad Suprima para pigmentos de efecto de alta gama

Con su marca paraguas Suprima® Merck se sitúa a la vanguardia del sector del pigmento.

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Dürr Brazil celebrates its 50th anniversary having been a pioneer in the country, bringing € 200 million in revenues and still growing

The company is leader in services for the Brazilian automotive market, reaching over 80% of market share in several segments.

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High-efficiency silicone additive creates stable titanium dioxide dispersions for improved performance of solventborne paints and inks

Dow Corning® 700P Additive improves pigment dispersion, prevents flooding and floating, improves gloss, reduces haze, and resists yellowing at high temperatures in solventborne systems.

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New steel coating offers rapid curing

The FIRETEX FX6000 intumescent fire protection coating enables drying in one hour, speeding up projects and output through the shop for coating applicators.

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Roma: nuova sede per i corsi di formazione in verniciatura e controllo qualità ipcm_Academy

I corsi di formazione professionale organizzati da ipcm_Academy e dedicati ai tecnici di verniciatura e del controllo qualità da quest'anno si svolgeranno a Milano e a Roma.

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