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ipcm - International Paint&Coating Magazine n. 32 Has Been Released

Preview of the novelties that will be shown at the ECS 2015, the relevance of just-in-time service and technical support and various cases of excellence in the new issue of ipcm®.

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Ancora aperte le iscrizioni al modulo 3, dedicato al controllo qualità, dei "corsi di formazione in verniciatura e controllo qualità" di ipcm_Academy a Milano

In questo articolo tutte le informazioni utili per iscriversi ai corsi di formazione professionale organizzati da ipcm_Academy e dedicati ai tecnici di verniciatura e del controllo qualità presso Milano.

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Chemetall Acquires All Shares of Shanghai Joint Venture

Chemetall, una business unit di Albemarle Corporation (NYSE:ALB), ha completato l'acquisizione di tutte le quote della sua joint venture Shanghai Chemetall ed è ora la sola proprietaria di questa società.

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Arsonsisi Strengthens Its Vocation as a Strategic Supplier for Industrial Coatings

Business acquisition of Tecnocolor Industria Vernici e Smalti S.r.l. completed.

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Exceptional Functionality and Decorative Design for Metal Constructions

Alesta AntiGraffiti Outdoor powder coating from Axalta Coating Systems.

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High-Performance Zinc Flake Basecoat

At the Fastener Fair, Dörken MKS Systems presented Delta-Protekt® KL 120, the company's new, strong basecoat with outstanding corrosion protection properties. A particular feature is the extremely high level of white rust resistance in combination with all topcoats - especially interesting in the case of black topcoats.

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BASF Coatings Receives Internationally Renowned If Design Award

Global trend book "Under the Radar" convinces the jury in the communication design discipline.

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The Paint Industry: Innovation and Global Vision

The roundtable at the Teatro Imperiale in Montecatini Terme, organized by Verinlegno in occasion of its 40th anniversary.

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BYK additives for optimized processes

The company will be represented with an exhibition booth at ECS, Booth 512, Hall 4A, with its highly specialized product portfolio for the ongoing optimization of coatings, printing inks, adhesives and construction chemicals.

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Customer Is King – Enterprises Intensify Innovation Efforts

New development efforts are being focused more closely on customer needs; One in three enterprises will spend more on innovation in 2015; 78 percent of all companies reward good ideas monetarily.

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Evonik/BCD Chemie distribution agreement for Switzerland

BCD Chemie has been representing Evonik Industries in Switzerland with thermoplastic (meth)acrylate resins under the brand name DEGALAN®.

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X-Rite Announces Next-Generation Spherical Spectrophotometers for Color Measurement

The Ci7800 and Ci7600 can adjust to any color supply chain; in addition, they provide a visual record of every sample as well as a detailed audit trail of the settings at the time of measurement.

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Energieeffizienz ist die Summe vieler einzelner Maßnahmen

Industriebetriebe, die keim Kauf neuer Anlagen neben den Investitionskosten auch die Betriebskosten berücksichtigen, merken oft: Eine Entscheidung für mehr Energieeffizienz ist nicht nur ökologisch richtig, sondern auch ökonomisch sinnvoll. Was das in Bezug auf Absaug- und Abscheideanlagen zur Luftreinhaltung in der Produktion konkret heißt und welche unterschiedlichen Stellschrauben wichtig sind, um diese Systeme energetisch zu optimieren, erklären Fachleute von Keller Lufttechnik im April 2015 auf der Hannover Messe (Halle 13, Stand D30).

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Industrial Valve Summit: The International Conference Program is Now Available

Excellent results for the Call for Papers of the International Conference, which will take place in Bergamo (Italy), next May 27th and 28th, during IVS 2015 – Industrial Valves Summit.

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Ipcm_LatinoAmérica n. 9 / ipcm_Ibérica n. 3 están disponibles

Ipcm®_LatinoAmérica es una revista digital trimestral en lengua española y portuguesa distribuida en Brasil, México, Argentina, Chile, Colombia. Una versión impresa, ipcm®_ Ibérica, destinada a los lectores de España y Portugal, se ha unido a la versión digital ipcm®_LatinoAmérica.

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