At PaintExpo 2014 Caldan (Hall 1, Booth 1341) presents the following innovations in power & free conveyor systems.
Accurate filling systems by JESSBERGER.
From 8 to 11 April, LacTec will again be present at the PaintExpo (Hall 2, stand 2420).
Faster, higher quality, lower costs. The requirements for the coating technology and painting pre-treatment continue to increase. How to achieve the high quality demands of users economically?
Italgard presents at PaintExpo 2014 (Hall 2, stand 2553) the new registered trademark for its test panel division, accompanied by a corporate identity and the unique hole in the GARDPANEL metal sheet.
High technology level and high quality components for overhead and floor conveyors for parts handling on the painting line: The products of Orbita Srl at PaintExpo.
L'1 aprile 2014, nell'ambito di EXPO Ferroviaria, si terrà il convegno dedicato al tema dei processi anticorrossivi nel settore ferroviario. Tra i relatori, i maggiori esperti in questo campo.
Ipcm®_LatinoAmérica es una revista digital trimestral en lengua española y portuguesa distribuida en Brasil, México, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, y en los países europeos España y Portugal.
18 marzo 2014, Politecnico di Milano
En la construcción de edificios, su ubicación en una determinada zona climática, la orientación de su fachada y la superficie que ocupan sus ventanas son algunas de las variables que determinarán las características de los materiales constructivos para sus cerramientos.
Dr. Gernot Stellberger (34) assumed responsibility for Eisenmann's General Finishing business unit at the beginning of this year. He succeeds Roger Schmidt, who has decided to leave the company.
Focus on PaintExpo - Con motivo de la PaintExpo, WALTHER PILOT ha desarrollado un concepto para la configuración de depósitos a presión que facilita su integración en la cadena de producción.
La presentación oficial del tan esperado 508 RXH, el "One Off" de Peugeot realizado por la famosa carrocería Castagna de Milán, tuvo lugar el pasado 3 de febrero, ante la presencia de más de cien periodistas de las revistas de automovilismo y de Diseño más importantes, en el magnífico marco de las Officine del Volo de Via Mecenate en Milán.
Perfectly polished surfaces make sense only if the manufactured parts achieve the demanded technical cleanliness. Otherwise the customer – whether user or assembly works – will not accept the parts. The choice of cleaning method is the decisive factor with regard to whether the parts cleaning system achieves the defined cleanliness economically and with process reliability.
For the second time in a row, Chemetall received the award of best supplier of the year by ArcelorMittal Bourg-en-Bresse (AMBB) in France, the wire drawing division of ArcelorMittal.