

Todos los artículos de Redacción

BYK Shanghai Received the Carbon Footprint Award

BYK Shanghai has received the Carbon Footprint Award for its sustainability and decarbonisation commitments.

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IMCD Israel Appointed Lior Dadon as New Managing Director

Lior Dadon will help IMCD Israel to improve its commercial growth in the speciality chemicals and ingredients market.

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ipcm® Is Now an Internationally Registered Trademark

We are pleased to announce that ipcm® – synonymous for over 10 years of highly specialized technical publications for the surface treatment sector – is now a registered and internationally protected trademark.

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Zeus Electrostatic System is Hiring!

Zeus Electrostatic System is looking for a sales agent for Europe or a dealer to be included in its commercial team.

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myFAIR: The Web App to Have the Most Important Industry Events at Your Fingertips

The ipcm® team is pleased to present myFAIR, a new web app to stay up-to-date with all major events happening in the surface treatment industry.

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PPG Launched the World’s First Commercial Retroreflective Powder Coating

PPG ENVIROCRON LUM enhances visibility and roadway safety in limited-light conditions.

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Sherwin-Williams Announces 2021 Water & Wastewater Impact Award Winners

Sherwin-Williams has announced the winners of the 2021 Water & Wastewater Impact Awards, which honour the companies that successfully overcame challenges while extending the service lives of critical infrastructure assets.

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Extreme Coatings Launched a New Inner Diameter HVOF Coating

The new internal diameter HVOF coating developed by Extreme Coatings ensures corrosion protection and abrasive resistance for oil and gas applications.

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AERO's Ultra-Wide TOM Machine Has Been Awarded

AERO Sustainable Material Technology announced that the FUSE automotive colouring system has won a Grand Prize at the 2021 Nikkei Superior Products and Services Awards.

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Cortec’s VpCI-641 Hydrotest Corrosion Inhibitor Earns USDA Certified Biobased Product Label

VpCI-641 and VpCI-641 PTSA corrosion inhibitors for hydrotesting and freshwater cooling systems by Cortec have obtained the USDA Certified Biobased Product label.

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The Ask Joe Powder Powdcast – Episode 40

Joe Powder is back with a new episode of its powdcast: Episode 40 – Dust, Brass, and Chlorine Gas.

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NASA’s Perseverance Spotted a Purple Coating on Mars

NASA's Perseverance rover has spotted a thin, smooth, purple coating on some stones on Mars, which could hold clues to the planet’s potential for ancient life.

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The 2022 Trade Shows and Events Calendar

Browse through our 2022 Trade Shows and Events Calendar to learn more about the most important exhibitions for the surface treatment sector.

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IST Names Marco Parma New General Manager

Marco Parma has been appointed as the new general manager of IST’s Italian headquarter.

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Están disponibles ipcm® Ibérica n. 24 e ipcm® LatinoAmérica n. 36

Las revistas para la industria de los tratamientos superficiales y acabados orgánicos e inorgánicos dirigidas al mercado español y portugués.

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