
Todas las novedades de las asociaciones del sector

Raw Material Prices Show New Surge

The British Coatings Federation reports a new surge in raw material prices in September, affecting the paint and printing inks sector.

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Karsten Danielmeier Is the New President of the GDCh

The German Chemical Society has appointed Karsten Danielmeier as the new president, with Katharina Uebele acting as VP.

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The British Coatings Federation Announced the 2021 BCF Awards Winners

BCF Awards recognised excellence through the UK coatings industry and celebrated important achievements.

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Graphene Flagship Establishes a New REACH/ECHA Working Group

Graphene Flagship has created a new REACH/ECHA Working Group to facilitate the commercialisation of products enabled by graphene and related materials in compliance with European regulations on chemicals and nanomaterials.

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CEPE Elects the New Chairman of the Board

The European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink, and Artist's Colours Industry (CEPE) has appointed Roald Johannsen as the new Chairman of the CEPE Board.

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Increased Optimism and Business Confidence of Coatings Companies According to the BCF

According to a recent survey by the British Coatings Federation, the coatings industry is seeing a steady rise in confidence as the economy recovers.

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Ontario Paint Manufacturers Support the New Recycling Regulation

According to the Canadian Paint and Coating Association (CPCA), paint manufacturers support the new regulation for paint recycling, published by the Ontario government, which also reduces red tape.

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Coatings Industry Under Pressure Due to Uncertainties in the Raw Materials Market

The European paint, printing inks and artists' colours industry is under increased pressure due to rising raw materials prices, caused by a complex mix of demand, capacity issues and scarce transportation resources. Despite the enormous impact for the industry, the coatings industry is striving to reduce risks to customers. 

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The New UCIF President Has Been Elected

UCIF members have elected the new corporate officers for the 2020/2022 term.

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CEPE Appoints New Chairman and Welcomes New Board Members

The European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink, and Artist's Colours Industry (CEPE) appointed André Vieira de Castro as new Chairman of the CEPE Board and welcomes new Board members.

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Addio a Corrado Baroni

Nella serata di martedì 14 aprile si è spento Corrado Baroni, esponente di spicco del settore dell'alluminio europeo.

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CPCA Applauds Paint Manufacturers' Commitment to Extended Product Stewardship

The Canadian paint and coatings industry has been a leader in post-consumer paint recycling for more than 25 years with the first program launched by Product Care in British Columbia in 1994. Since the Canada-wide Action Plan on Waste, initiated by the Canadian Council of Ministers on the Environment, all ten Provinces have paint-recycling programs for most of the past ten years under provincial legislation.

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