Comunicados de prensa antes y después de ferias y eventos en el sector del tratamiento de superficies
Trade fairs are exempt from the ban on major events in Germany, which was extended on 17 June 2020 until the end of October 2020.
Fira de Barcelona ha elaborado un protocol antiCovid en colaboración con Aon y el Hospital Clínic de Barcelona para la reanudación de su calendario de eventos en septiembre.
El promotor de PaintExpo, FairFair GmbH, ha anunciado que feria líder mundial de técnicas de lacado industrial tendrá lugar del 12 al 15 de octubre de 2020 en el recinto ferial de Karlsruhe.
Eurosurfas, el encuentro internacional del tratamiento de superficies de Fira de Barcelona, ha lanzado un ciclo de seminarios web gratuitos programados del 2 al 5 de junio para analizar con varios expertos el papel de la economía circular, la digitalización y las nuevas tecnologías.
The solutions presented at the 18^th^ edition of parts2clean will support companies from the production and remanufacturing sectors in improving their future viability and thus emerge from the crisis generated by COVID-19 stronger.
To limit the spread of COVID 19 and in accordance to the measures issued by the French Government, Global Industrie will not be held as scheduled in the first half of 2020 and are directly postponed to 2021.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Pipeline Technology Conference ptc has been held online.
Datacolor announced 3 series of webinars on colour measurement and digital colour management starting from April 21st.
Carboline is now offering a series of free online coating education classes.
Following the health emergency related to Coronavirus, the second edition of Fastener Fair France has been postponed. The new dates will be announced shortly.
Due to the critical situation caused by the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic and following the Hannover region decree which bans group gatherings, Hannover Messe will not take place this year. The next edition will therefore take place in April 2021.
Due to the global pandemic of COVID-19, the 2020 edition of the Salone del Mobile.Milano, initially postponed to June, has been officially cancelled and rescheduled for the year 2021.
StocExpo wants to thank the industry for the resilience it showed during the event, despite the difficult circumstances due to the spread of Covid-19.
La 31a edición de BIEMH, la feria internacional de máquinas herramienta, se reprogramó del 23 al 27 de noviembre de 2020, debido a la emergencia mundial de salud declarada por la OMS a causa del brote del Coronavirus.
Due to the health emergency generated by COVID-19, the 27th edition of Eurosurfas, the International Meeting of Surface Treatment Solutions, has been postponed to December 1 to 4, 2020.