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El archivo de noticias de la industria de 2011 a 2019

Convegno RAILCORR 2014 - Durabilità di un processo anticorrosivo per rotabili ferrotranviari

L'1 aprile 2014, nell'ambito di EXPO Ferroviaria, si terrà il convegno dedicato al tema dei processi anticorrossivi nel settore ferroviario. Tra i relatori, i maggiori esperti in questo campo.

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ipcm_LatinoAmérica n. 5 està disponible

Ipcm®_LatinoAmérica es una revista digital trimestral en lengua española y portuguesa distribuida en Brasil, México, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, y en los países europeos España y Portugal.

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ADAPTA NBP : la solución al blistering en la rotura de puente térmico

En la construcción de edificios, su ubicación en una determinada zona climática, la orientación de su fachada y la superficie que ocupan sus ventanas son algunas de las variables que determinarán las características de los materiales constructivos para sus cerramientos.

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New leadership for General Finishing at Eisenmann

Dr. Gernot Stellberger (34) assumed responsibility for Eisenmann's General Finishing business unit at the beginning of this year. He succeeds Roger Schmidt, who has decided to leave the company.

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FOCUS ON PAINTEXPO - Depósito a presión de construcción modular

Focus on PaintExpo - Con motivo de la PaintExpo, WALTHER PILOT ha desarrollado un concepto para la configuración de depósitos a presión que facilita su integración en la cadena de producción.

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Con Peugeot 508 RXH Castagna se renueva la colaboración con Lechler, nacida hace más de cien años

La presentación oficial del tan esperado 508 RXH, el "One Off" de Peugeot realizado por la famosa carrocería Castagna de Milán, tuvo lugar el pasado 3 de febrero, ante la presencia de más de cien periodistas de las revistas de automovilismo y de Diseño más importantes, en el magnífico marco de las Officine del Volo de Via Mecenate en Milán.

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Perfectly polished and cleaned

Perfectly polished surfaces make sense only if the manufactured parts achieve the demanded technical cleanliness. Otherwise the customer – whether user or assembly works – will not accept the parts. The choice of cleaning method is the decisive factor with regard to whether the parts cleaning system achieves the defined cleanliness economically and with process reliability.

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Chemetall awarded as best supplier by ArcelorMittal

For the second time in a row, Chemetall received the award of best supplier of the year by ArcelorMittal Bourg-en-Bresse (AMBB) in France, the wire drawing division of ArcelorMittal.

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ZOBEL Smart News to the "fensterbau frontale" 2014

At the leading international trade fair for windows, doors and façades being held from March 26-29, 2014 in Nuremberg, the Worms coating professionals will be presenting numerous ZOBEL classical and new products for process-optimized coating and smart communications to an international audience via QR code.

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Chemetall announces new Global Segment Manager for Aluminium Finishing

Chemetall strengthens its global aluminium finishing business by appointing Martin Ings as new Global Segment Manager.

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Ipcm - International Paint&Coating Magazine n. 25 has been released

This issue of ipcm® (which will be distributed at Samoter and at Fieragricola, in Verona) focuses on the coating of agricultural and earthmoving machinery. We also continue to provide information on the adoption of powder coatings for finishing heat-sensitive substrates, specifically phenolic resins. Finally, an Italian plant engineer has brilliantly solved the problems related to the coating of small parts.

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Rivestimenti spessi: placcatura e termo spruzzatura

2° modulo del Corso Rivestimenti organizzato dall'Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia

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Ipcm Protective Coatings n. 8 has been released

In this issue of ipcm®_Protective Coatings, an extended report about the conference, organized by eos Mktg&Communication, "Coating and Corrosion Protection of Railway Vehicles" - of which ipcm®_Protective Coatings was media partner - which saw the participation of the leading companies in this sector.

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New Architecturallignum Sublimation Sample Range

Europolveri has provided its sales network, customers and final users with a new consultation tool aimed at simplifying the choice of the most suitable product for the specific requirements.

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