Il webinar “Transizione da Industria 4.0 a Industria 5.0: come destreggiarsi / quali adempimenti / quali tecnologie” si terrà il 5 giugno 2024.
Arkema aims to recruit more than 2,000 full-time employees and over 500 interns and work-study trainees.
Starting from 4 March 2024, Cornelia Tietz will be in charge of the European Printing Ink Association (EuPIA) to keep consolidating its global position.
Il seminario organizzato da Jotun e Graco ha illustrato le potenzialità del nuovo prodotto per la protezione passiva dal fuoco e la sua applicazione.
Solvay hosted a scholarship award ceremony that included a tour of its Italian site, showcasing its commitment to safety and sustainability.
Il webinar promosso da BYK-Gardner indicherà come ottenere dati di misurazione obiettivi ed affidabili sulla brillantezza.
The expansion of the Logansport-based facility of ARaymond and the related coating line will improve the operations of the company.
PPG has once again earned the Equality 100 Award, spotlighting twenty years of recognition for LGBTQ+ workplace policies and practices.
The new Research Hub will develop new solutions, technologies and processes for water treatment, functional paints and coatings.
The CLIMATECH Challenge event represents an important opportunity for start-ups to present their latest innovations in the field of sustainability and circular economy.
In occasione dell’evento che ne celebra la quarantennale storia aziendale, VRB invita clienti e fornitori a prendere l’imperfezione come una sfida verso l’evoluzione.
PPG consolidates once again its efforts in helping students by joining and supporting the Science Day in Denmark.
The #paintgivesyou campaign by CEPE will highlight the benefits of decorative paints and demonstrate their values for both home and workspaces applications.
The new Industrial Coating Application is an interactive programme developed by AMPP to allow future workers in the coatings industry to acquire high-technical skills and knowledge.
The new investment of PPG and PPG Foundation will help the future painters and coaters to learn specialised skills in the field of surface treatments.