La nueva estación de suministro de color EcoSupply2 Core desarrollada por Dürr ahorra tiempo en montaje, puesta en marcha y documentación.
During the Automotive Business Experience trade fair, Dürr has been awarded for its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.
Dürr and Kawasaki Robotics collaborated to adapt robot technology and painting components to compatible solutions for automated painting processes.
In just nine months, Dürr built a new smart and eco-friendly paint shop for the Chinese electric vehicles manufacturer SERES.
The upcoming President and CEO of Dürr China Michael Baitinger will bring important contributions to the Chinese coatings market.
La nueva pistola de baja presión EcoGun ACE desarrollada por Dürr permite realizar cambios de color en tan solo unos segundos sin necesidad de utilizar solventes.
Dürr and Mercedes-Benz have established a strategic partnership to create a CO2-free automotive coating process.
The EcoQPower energy flow management system of Dürr increased the energy efficiency of the paint shop of a car manufacturer.
Dürr will provide its air pollution control technology for the coating line of Kay Automotive Graphics, destroying up to 98% of VOCs.
La nueva generación de atomizadores Dürr garantiza una eficiencia de aplicación del 98%, reduciendo el consumo de pintura y agente de enjuague.
El nuevo rectificador para cataforesis EcoDC MACS de Dürr proporciona un 50% más de potencia en el mismo espacio.
Private research centres offer tests with application technology from Dürr.
DXQlogistics.control from Dürr ensures a digitally optimised material flow and a greater paint shop efficiency.
The new pump generation from Dürr with contactless changeover valves requires less maintenance and improves performances.
The EcoPaintJet Pro painting process of Dürr has been awarded in the “Sustainability” category.