Materias primas

IMCD adquiere Quelaris Internacional S.A.

Con el objetivo de seguir creciendo en LATAM, IMCD N.V. anunció que firmó un acuerdo para adquirir el 100% del negocio y las subsidiarias de Quelaris Internacional S.A., distribuidor regional de materias primas en LATAM.

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BASF To Build a New Plant for Alkylethanolamines at the Antwerp Production Site

The plant will allow BASF to increase its global alkylethanolamines capacity to 140,000 metric tons per year.

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Colour My World! New Tools for Improving Colourant Acceptance in Waterborne Architectural Coatings

The colourants used in point-of-sale tinting systems must have excellent compatibility with different base paints to ensure consistent, reproducible colours. This remains one of the toughest challenges facing the waterborne architectural paint formulator today. This paper will describe the mechanisms involved in colourant stabilization and explain how specific surfactants can be used within the base paint formulation to prevent destabilization of the colourant, ensuring its intended performance.

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Ashland to Increase the Production Capacity for Natrosol HEC

Ashland plans to increase Natrosol™ HEC production capacity at its Hopewell facility.

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LANXESS To Offer EPDs for Synthetic Iron Oxide Pigments

EPDs allow LANXESS to deliver transparent information about the life-cycle assessment of the pigments.

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AkzoNobel To Expand the In-House Resins Manufacturing

AkzoNobel’s resins production scale-up will focus on facilities expansion, equipment optimisation and recruiting.

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Covestro Has Received the Mass Balance ISCC Plus Certification for Two Sites

Covestro’s Dormagen and Leverkusen facilities received the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification Plus.

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Clariant Has Presented the Vita Bio-Based Surfactants

The 100% bio-based surfactants and PEGs developed by Clariant will help to remove fossil carbon from the value chain.

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LANXESS and Matrìca to Produce Sustainable Preservatives from Renewable Raw Materials

Matrìca will supply LANXESS with raw materials derived entirely from renewable sources.

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BASF To Modernise Its Production of Chloroformates and Acid Chlorides

At the Ludwigshafen site, BASF will invest in reliable production and capacity expansion for 30 products.

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Sun Chemical to Increase Prices in the EMEA Region

Sun Chemical’s inks, coatings, consumables and adhesives will be subjected to a price increase in the EMEA region.

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Evonik Launched ELATUR® DINCD, a New Plasticiser for Durable Products

The new plasticiser developed by Evonik is particularly suitable for both interior and exterior applications.

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Lumina® Royal Sparkling Blue is Sun Chemical's New Pigment

Sun Chemical has made the new Lumina® Royal Sparkling Blue pigment available on its PigmentViewer app.

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Covestro and Genomatica Developed a Bio-Based Version of the Chemical Raw Material HMDA

The new material developed by Covestro and Genomatica will allow to produce more sustainable coatings and adhesives.

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Sun Chemical Announces a Prices Increase in North America

Sun Chemical’s inks, coatings, consumables and adhesives will be subjected to a price increase in North America.

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