

Todas as notícias do mundo ipcm (novas revistas, mês "en review", projetos, webinars, eventos, cursos, calendário de feiras ...)

ipcm® Is Now an Internationally Registered Trademark

We are pleased to announce that ipcm® – synonymous for over 10 years of highly specialized technical publications for the surface treatment sector – is now a registered and internationally protected trademark.

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Out Now Issue n. 2 of Corrosion Protection

Read the latest issue of the magazine dedicated to corrosion prediction, prevention, protection and mitigation. Special edition on the energy industry!

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Out Now Issue n. 80 of ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine

Read the latest issue of the magazine dedicated to surface treatments and organic and inorganic finishes!

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Estão disponíveis ipcm® Ibérica n. 29 e ipcm® LatinoAmérica n. 41

As revistas para o setor de tratamentos de superfícies e de acabamentos orgânicos e inorgânicos destinadas ao mercado espanhol e português.

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Out Now Issue n. 23 of ICT_Industrial Cleaning Technologies

Supplement of ipcm® - International Paint&Coating Magazine n. 79.

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Out Now Issue n. 1 of Corrosion Protection

Read the newest issue of the magazine dedicated to corrosion prediction, prevention, protection and mitigation. Special edition on infrastructures!

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Out Now Issue n. 79 of ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine

Read the latest issue of the magazine dedicated to surface treatments and organic and inorganic finishes. Special issue on Architecture & Design!

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Out Now Issue n. 44 of ipcm_Protective Coatings

Read the latest edition of the magazine dedicated to corrosion protection and control technologies in the heavy industry.

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Estão disponíveis ipcm® Ibérica n. 28 e ipcm® LatinoAmérica n. 40

As revistas para o setor de tratamentos de superfícies e de acabamentos orgânicos e inorgânicos destinadas ao mercado espanhol e português.

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Out Now Issue n. 78 of ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine

Read the latest issue of the magazine dedicated to surface treatments and organic and inorganic finishes. Special issue on ACE & Off-road vehicles and industrial cleaning technologies.

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Out Now Issue n. 43 of ipcm_Protective Coatings

Read the latest edition of the magazine dedicated to corrosion protection and control technologies in the heavy industry.

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Out Now Issue n. 22 of ICT_Industrial Cleaning Technologies

Supplement of ipcm® - International Paint&Coating Magazine n. 77.

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myFAIR: The Web App to Have the Most Important Industry Events at Your Fingertips

The ipcm® team is pleased to present myFAIR, a new web app to stay up-to-date with all major events happening in the surface treatment industry.

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Out Now Issue n. 77 of ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine

Read the latest issue of the magazine dedicated to surface treatments and organic and inorganic finishes. Special issue on aluminium.

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Estão disponíveis ipcm® Ibérica n. 27 e ipcm® LatinoAmérica n. 39

As revistas para o setor de tratamentos de superfícies e de acabamentos orgânicos e inorgânicos destinadas ao mercado espanhol e português.

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