

Todas as notícias do mundo ipcm (novas revistas, mês "en review", projetos, webinars, eventos, cursos, calendário de feiras ...)

October in Review

Recovery trend confirmed

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Out Now Issue n. 39 of ipcm_Protective Coatings

Read the latest edition of the magazine dedicated to corrosion protection and control technologies in the heavy industry.

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September in review

The return of face-to-face meetings and the newfound importance of trade fairs.

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Out Now Issue n. 71 of ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine

Read the latest issue of the magazine dedicated to the industry of surface treatments and organic and inorganic finishes.

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Out Now Issue n. 20 of ICT_Industrial Cleaning Technologies

Supplement of ipcm® - International Paint&Coating Magazine n. 71.

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August in review

A little break to recharge the batteries.

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Estão disponíveis ipcm® Ibérica n. 23 e ipcm® LatinoAmérica n. 35

As revistas para o setor de tratamentos de superfícies e de acabamentos orgânicos e inorgânicos destinadas ao mercado espanhol e português.

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July in Review

The first 12 years of EOS.

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Out Now Issue n. 70 of ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine

Read the latest issue of the magazine dedicated to the industry of surface treatments and organic and inorganic finishes.

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June in review

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".

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Out Now Issue n. 38 of ipcm_Protective Coatings

Read the latest edition of the magazine dedicated to corrosion prevention and control technologies in the heavy industry.

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May in review

A hectic month but full of satisfactions and news.

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Estão disponíveis ipcm® Ibérica n. 22 e ipcm® LatinoAmérica n. 34

As revistas para o setor de tratamentos de superfícies e de acabamentos orgânicos e inorgânicos destinadas ao mercado espanhol e português.

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Out Now Issue n. 69 of ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine

Special issue on Automotive. This issue also features the insert ICT – Industrial Cleaning Technologies.

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April in review

A famous proverb says “In April sleep is sweet”, but the ipcm team never sleeps. Except for a new colleague...

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