Pesquisa e desenvolvimento

Estudos científicos particularmente inovadores realizados por universidades, centros de pesquisa, institutos

Battling Myocardial Infarction with Drug-Coated Balloon Catheters

Fraunhofer researchers are developing an automated coating machine to better treat coronary heart diseases.

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British Artist Unveils the Whitest White Paint

British artist Stuart Semple has developed White 2.0, the world’s brightest white paint.

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Dörken Opens a New Microbiological Laboratory

To ensure the quality of products, materials and production environments, Dörken has implemented a new microbiological laboratory, which entered into service on September 1.

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Researchers Are Investigating Advanced Water Cleaning Techniques to Ensure Sustainability of Global Water Supplies

Researchers of the University of Sheffield are developing advanced water treatment techniques that could help in making our water resources more sustainable and meet United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG).

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U.S. Government to Fund Corrosion and Biofouling Research for Marine Energy Devices

The Office of Technology Transitions is funding research to optimise non-toxic coatings for control of biofouling and corrosion on marine energy devices and facilities.

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New Sustainable and Water-Resistant Coatings Developed with Ultrathin Self-Healing Polymers

A group of researchers has found a new method to create ultrathin surface coatings that are water resistant, self-healing and tough enough to survive scratches and dings. The new material was developed by combining thin films and self-healing technologies.

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ECHA Has Published the Substances of Concern in Products Database

The European Chemicals Agency has released online the database containing all the substances of very high concern in products.

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Fraunhofer Created Coatings That Protect Against Solar Radiation

Fraunhofer researchers have developed two new coatings for glass windows that protects against solar radiation.

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New Graphene-Based Coating Protects Paintings Against Environmental Degradation

A team of researchers developed a new coating able to create a graphene film that protects artworks against degradation.

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Vegetable Proteins Show Potential to Replace Petroleum-based Raw Materials

Research teams at the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV are collaborating with 18 partners to tap into the potential of proteins as renewable raw materials in the chemical industry, including the manufacturing of paints and varnishes.

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Ricercatore della Libera Università di Bolzano sviluppa un biopolimero isolante con gli scarti delle microplastiche

Marco Caniato, ricercatore della Facoltà di Scienze e Tecnologie della Libera Università di Bolzano, ha sviluppato un biopolimero con gli scarti delle microplastiche con proprietà isolanti, in grado di competere con competere con gli isolanti tradizionali come la lana di roccia o le schiume poliuretaniche.

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Airbus and University of Surrey Develop Coating to Protect Satellites Against Oxygen Damage

A nano-level coating developed by Airbus and the University of Surrey can protect satellites in low-Earth orbit from ultraviolet radiation and atomic oxygen.

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A New Study Unveils the Potential of Melanin-Mimetic Materials

A new study by the Chiba University, inspired by the colour changes in a peacock's feather, revealed how melanin-mimetic materials, such as polydopamine, could lead to anti-counterfeit and sensing applications.

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New Coatings for Plastics will Prevent Transmission of Hospital-acquired Infections

The MOBACT project is developing bio-based solutions as an environmentally sustainable alternative to metal in order to fight the current major public health problem of hospital-acquired infection.

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AkzoNobel Develops A More Sustainable Way of Making Resins

AkzoNobel, in collaboration with the Dutch Advanced Research Center Chemical Building Blocks Consortium (ARC CBBC), has developed a more sustainable process of making resins, which employs bio-based monomers.

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