Pesquisa e desenvolvimento

Estudos científicos particularmente inovadores realizados por universidades, centros de pesquisa, institutos

An Innovative Cooling White Paint Could Reduce the Need for Air Conditioning Inside Buildings

Engineers from Purdue University created a white paint that can keep surfaces up to 18 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than their surroundings, without consuming energy.

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Fraunhofer IFAM Develops Implant Coating that Protects Patients from Future Infections

A team of researchers has developed a hybrid implant coating made from antibacterial silver and an antibiotic, which offers to the patients protection from future infections.

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Scientists Develop Antimicrobial and Anti-Reflective Coating by Studying Insects' Eyes

Scientists from Russia and Switzerland have developed a biodegradable nanocoating with antimicrobial and anti-reflective properties by studying the nanostructures covering the corneas of the eyes of small fruit flies.

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A Newly Developed Nanotech Coating Holds Promise Against Covid-19

A physics professor from the University of Houston has developed a nanotech coating designed to allow air filters to capture airborne or aerosolized droplets of the virus that causes COVID-19.

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Scientists Develop Self-Cleaning Aluminium Surface

Scientists at TU Dresden and the Fraunhofer IWS have developed a periodic surface structure, which is water and ice repellent and also removes dirt particles.

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UC Berkeley Researchers Developed Coatings that Can Create False Infrared Images

In a paper published in the journal Advanced Materials, two UC Berkeley researchers described how to imbed visual "decoys" into surfaces of objects in a way that can fool people into thinking they detect a specific image in the infrared that actually isn't there. This kind of technology could prove useful for military and intelligence agencies to ensure national security.

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Scientist at Fraunhofer Institute Develops Coating that Protects Steel from the Penetration of Hydrogen

Lukas Gröner of the Fraunhofer IWM, MikroTribologie Centrum µTC, has developed a coating that effectively protects steel from the penetration of hydrogen. The barrier effect of this so-called MAX-phase layer is 3500 times greater than that of untreated steel.

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GrapheneCA's Innovative Antimicrobial Graphene-enhanced Coatings Pass Primary Independent Test

Nano Graphene Inc., has announced its antibacterial product lines have proven to be able to kill 99.9% of bacteria on various surfaces. They can be very helpful in tackling the current pandemic as well as possible future pandemics.

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Catalytic Membrane Reactors Tested on an Industrial Scale Within the Project HORIZON 2020 MACBETH

Politecnico di Milano is a partner of the HORIZON 2020 MACBETH (Membranes And Catalysts Beyond Economic and Technological Hurdles) project, which aims to demonstrate the functionality of the innovative membrane reactor technology on an industrial scale (TRL 7 level).

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Evonik Launches MACBETH, an EU-Funded Project to Develop a New Process for Catalytic Synthesis

Evonik, as part of a consortium of 24 partners, has launched the EU-funded project MACBETH. The aim of the project is to develop a new process for catalytics synthesis that combines several previously separate production steps, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by up to 35% and increasing efficiency by up to 70%.

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BIO-UV Group Is Testing a UV Surface Disinfection System based on its BWTS UV Technology

A prototype based on BIO-UV Group's UV technology, which is usually used to eliminate invasive species found in ships' ballast water tanks, is being tested to be used as a surface disinfection system against Covid-19.

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Researchers from Northumbria University Discover New Optical Sensing Technology

Inspired by the way plants and animals can change colour in nature, scientists from Northumbria University have developed a new optical sensing technology which can light up areas of an object or material by creating microscopic wrinkles and folds within its surface.

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Bacteria Killed by New Light-Activated Coating

To stop the spread of disease, the new coating could be used to coat phone screens and keyboards, as well as the inside of catheters and breathing tubes, which are a major source of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs).

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New Nano-Barrier Could Strengthen Spacecraft Payloads

Airbus and the University of Surrey, England, have developed a robust multilayer nano-barrier for ultra-lightweight and stable carbon fibre reinforced polymers. It could be used to build instruments for future space missions.

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Blue Pigment Discoverer Makes Key Design Advance for Future Durable, Vivid Pigments

An Oregon State University chemistry researcher who made history a decade ago with the accidental discovery of the first new blue inorganic pigment in more than two centuries is again pushing forward the science of colour. Analysing the crystal structure of pigments based on hibonite, a mineral found in meteorites, Mas Subramanian of the OSU College of Science has paved the way toward designing more pigments that are stable, durable and non-toxic with vivid hues.

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