Dörken Opens a New Microbiological Laboratory

To ensure the quality of products, materials and production environments, Dörken has implemented a new microbiological laboratory, which entered into service on September 1.

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Dörken’s Expert Held Presentations on Corrosion Testing

Florian Feldmann from Dörken was invited to two industry events to explain the company’s corrosion testing methods.

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Dörken Announces Great Satisfaction for Its Event Dörken Days 2021

The Dörken Days resumed in-person to allow presentations of new technologies and networking opportunities.

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Dörken’s DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 120 Obtains Approval for BMW Specifications

The DELTA-PROTEKT® KL 120 zinc flake system developed by Dörken has been officially included in the BMW group standard GS 90010.

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Dörken Launches a Series of Webinars on “Soft Handling”

Starting from September, Dörken will hold a webinar series which will address some of the most important questions on the subject of “soft handling”.

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Dr. Martin Welp Resigns as Managing Director at Dörken

After more than 11 years, Dr. Martin Welp, Managing Director of Dörken Coatings GmbH & Co. KG, has left the company for personal reasons.

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The Dörken Group Undergoes a Reorganisation Process

Dörken has restructured itself by merging Dörken MKS-Systeme, CD-Color and Protec Systempasten into one company under the name Dörken Coatings GmbH & Co. KG. Dörken GmbH & Co. KG will continue to operate under this name.

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Ewald Dörken Awarded Among TOP 100 Companies in the "Innovative Procceses and Organisation" Category

At the 27th edition of the TOP 100 innovation competition, Ewald Dörken has been honoured in the category "Innovative processes and organisation". This is the seventh time the company has been among the top innovators.

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Dörken Inaugurates Its New Office in Herdecke and Begins Construction at The Hagen-Vorhalle Site

On June 19, Dörken held a double event, celebrating both the opening of its new office building and the beginning of the extension works of its construction foil unit in Hagen-Vorhalle.

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WE.YOU.HERE: Dörken's Campaign to Support the Local Economy

Ewald Dörken AG launched the WE.YOU.HERE initiative to support the local economy of Herdecke and Hagen during the Coronavirus pandemic.

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Exemplary Teamwork: New Electroplating Drum Unit at Reisser Combines the Know-How of All Participants

A highly-modern electroplating drum unit recently entered operation at Reisser Schraubentechnik in Ingelfingen. The concept and realisation were undertaken in an exemplary joint project of all parties involved, showing that this can result in significant added value for customers as well as all partners.

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Dörken Days 2019: Expanding Expertise. Exchanging Experiences.

This year's Dörken Days 2019, held in Frankfurt am Main on 28/29 November 2019, saw over 180 experts receive a comprehensive overview of current trends and challenges in corrosion protection.

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