Revestimento em pó

Wagner Presented the Optimised Sprint 2 Manual Powder Coating Unit

The new Sprint 2 unit developed by J. Wagner GmbH enhances components and assistance functions for quick and easy manual powder coating operations.

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Wagner Presented the Flowsense Automatic Control System

J. Wagner GmbH launched the new technology Flowsense, that measures and fully automatically controls the powder coating output.

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AkzoNobel Upgraded its American Powder Coatings Facilities

The new extruders, thermoplastics and bonding processes will enable AkzoNobel to strengthen its position in the American paints and coatings market.

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Cetec Launched Tecplus 8 to Simplify Electrostatic Powder Coating

The new Tecplus 8 powder coating applicator from Cetec simplifies the painting operations, ensuring lower temperatures.

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The Ask Joe Powder Powdcast – Episode 52: Joe Powder Spills the Tg

Joe Powder is back with a new episode of its powdcast: Episode 52 - Joe Powder Spills the Tg.

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The Ask Joe Powder Powdcast – Episode 51: Detroit Powder City

Joe Powder is back with a new episode of its powdcast: Episode 51: Detroit Powder City

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Shoemaker Increased Its Production Capacity by Investing in a WAGNER Powder Coating System

The new installation developed by WAGNER allowed Shoemaker to automate and enhance its powder coating process.

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RIPOL Powder Coatings Obtained the QUALICOAT Certification

The 52L, 55R, 56L, 58L and 59L RIPOL powder coating series have achieved the QUALICOAT certification also for 2024.

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The Ask Joe Powder Powdcast – Episode 50

Joe Powder is back with a new episode of its powdcast: Episode 50 – Still Alive.

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AkzoNobel and Wuxi El Pont Cooperates to Research Electron Beams Curing Technology

AkzoNobel and El Pont are exploring the use of electron beams to cure powder coatings, increasing productivity while reducing energy consumption.

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AkzoNobel Powder Coatings Partners with coatingAI to Develop an AI-Based Software

The new software developed by AkzoNobel and CoatingAI will help customers to improve the application process and reduce their carbon footprint.

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Out Now Issue n. 84 of ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine

Read the latest issue of the magazine dedicated to surface treatments and organic and inorganic finishes – Special edition on ACE and off-road vehicles + Industrial Cleaning Technologies.

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Estão disponíveis ipcm® Ibérica n. 32 e ipcm® LatinoAmérica n. 44

Revistas da indústria de tratamento de superfícies e acabados orgânicos e inorgânicos dirigidas aos mercados espanhol e português.

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Qemtex Powder Coatings Will Build a New Coatings Facility in The United Arab Emirates

The future production site will allow Qemtex Powder Coatings to better the serve the MENA and EU coatings markets.

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AkzoNobel Launched an Architectural Powder Coating That Can Cure at 150° C

The new Interpon D1036 Low-E powder coating from AkzoNobel improves efficiencies and reduces energy consumption for architectural applications.

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