Tratamento de água

LANXESS Included in CDP’s “Climate A List”

For the fifth time, the climate protection initiative CDP awarded LANXESS with the A rating for its sustainability efforts.

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Researchers Are Investigating Advanced Water Cleaning Techniques to Ensure Sustainability of Global Water Supplies

Researchers of the University of Sheffield are developing advanced water treatment techniques that could help in making our water resources more sustainable and meet United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDG).

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H2O Released a Guidebook on Wastewater-Free Production

The guidebook on wastewater-free production is freely available on H2O GmbH website.

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H2O To Present Its Wastewater Treatment Solutions at Pollutec

H2O will present VACUDEST, its vacuum distillation systems for industrial wastewater treatment at Pollutec, on October 12-15.

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H2O To Present Purecat at parts2clean

H2O will present Purecat, a new technology for high-quality parts cleaning, at the parts2clean trade fair.

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Arkema and Polymem Have Won the ACS Team Innovation Award

The American Chemical Society has awarded Arkema and Polymem for their water ultrafiltration membranes made from Kynar PVDF.

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MST Chemicals: Chemicals and Technologies for Waste Water Treatment & Z.L.D. (Zero Liquid Discharge) for Metal Finishing Lines

Thanks to its extensive knowledge in the metal finishing field, MST Chemicals is able to supply both chemical specialties for any metal treatment process (degreasing, pickling, phosphating, chromating, cr-free) and chemicals for wastewater treatment providing a perfect synergy. 

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Sulphate and Fluoride Abatement Technologies for Restrictive Limits Zero Discharge Purification: When and Why

CIE, with 40 years of experience, is one of the leading companies in Europe in the design, development, production and installation of standard wastewater systems and Zero Liquid Discharge systems for metal finishing lines, enabling the transformation of wastewater into a precious resource for a total reuse of water.

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Sulphate and Fluoride Abatement Technologies for Restrictive Limits Zero Discharge Purification: When and Why

The Zero Liquid Discharge systems engineered by CIE are highly sophisticated systems for the purification and total reuse of water coming from metal treatment process, using a combination of technologies such as: chemical-physical purification, sand and charcoal filtration, UF, RO and Evaporation. 

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H2O GmbH Presents the New VACUDEST ZLD 300

To provide an environmentally friendly and cost-reducing wastewater treatment for production process, H2O has developed and launched ZLD 300, a new VACUDEST ZLD technology.

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Waste Water Treatment and Zero Liquid Discharge (Z.L.D.) - One Plant Three Purposes: Dump, Irrigation or Reuse

PUR-ALL is the new technology developed by R&D team of CIE and MST Chemicals group. Thanks to Chemical Specialties and specific installations, the PUR-ALL process allows the final user to decide whether to use his waste water treatment process to dump the final purified water or to use it for irrigation or to reuse it in the finishing lines.

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BIO-UV Group Is Testing a UV Surface Disinfection System based on its BWTS UV Technology

A prototype based on BIO-UV Group's UV technology, which is usually used to eliminate invasive species found in ships' ballast water tanks, is being tested to be used as a surface disinfection system against Covid-19.

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Cortec Launches Boiler Egg, a New VpCI Additive for Water Treatment to Prevent Boiler Corrosion

Cortec® Corporation has unveiled its new Boiler Egg(tm), a VpCI additive for corrosion protection of industrial water systems, which can reduce the risk of extra downtime, clogging, leakage, and shortened service life that comes from corrosion.

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