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Alit Technologies: Wir setzen neue Maßstäbe in der industriellen Entlackung!
Wir sind das pulsierende Herz der chemischen Innovation und revolutionärer Entlackungsprozesse. Unsere Wurzeln liegen im Nordosten Italiens, doch unser Einfluss erstreckt sich auf die ganze Welt, denn wir schlagen Brücken zwischen der Welt der Automobilindustrie, der Metallverarbeitung und der Lackierung. Wir sind nicht nur Hersteller, sondern auch Architekten von maßgeschneiderten Entlackungslösungen. Entdecken Sie unser Arsenal an chemischen Abbeizmitteln und Systemen, die zur Lösung der komplexesten industriellen Entlackungsaufgaben entwickelt wurden.
Schließen Sie sich der Revolution von Alit Technologies an und definieren Sie die Standards für die Entlackung neu!
Zubehör für den Lackierprozess, Additive/Hilfsstoffe, Adhesives, Eloxieren Aluminium, Chemische Vorbehandlung, Chemische Stoffe, Sauberkeitskontrolle, Entfetter, Engineering, Flocculants, Lackierzubehör: Haken, Rahmen, Schablonen, Rollcontainer, Automatisierungstechnik, Laboratorien, Abdecksysteme, Entlacker, Entlackungsöfen- und Maschinen, Passivierungsmittel, Vorbehandlungssysteme, Produkte für die anodische Oxidation, Produkte für die Behandlung von Edelstahlen, Auftragsgeräte für Korrosionsschutzlacke, Oberflächentechnologien, Ultraschallgeneratoren und Transducer, Chemische Wasseraufbereitung
ALIT Technologies Fastrip S
ALIT Technologies Fastrip AP
ALIT Technologies Fastrip ISP for Hooks
ALIT Technologies Fastrip T5 Multi Tank
ALIT Technologies Fastrip T2 120 MIX
ALIT Technologies Fastrip T5
ALIT Technologies Fastrip FP
ALIT Technologies chemical paint stripper
Quality control by ALIT Technologies
Research by ALIT Technologies
Paint stripping chemicals from ALIT Technologies
ALIT Technologies paint stripping test
Immersion tank for chemical paint stripping processes
In-line system for the chemical stripping of hooks and frames used in electrostatic coating processes
Dosing system for the passivation of aluminium parts
Line of high-performing products for the chemical stripping of metals
Ultrasonic stripping systems
Spray system for the chemical stripping of metals
Fastrip S is a vertical spray system for the chemical stripping of metals. It enables to create a paint stand-alone system right beside the existing production lines with a very small footprint. It is suitable for stripping workpieces in iron and light alloys without damaging their surfaces. Its size can be customized according to the needs of the metal processing and treatment industry. The parts to be treated are arranged in baskets that can be custom designed based on their intended use (e.g. shower cubicles, automotive moldings, alloy wheels, etc...). Fastrip S operates with high temperature stripping cycles (from 80 to 150 °C), which are fully adjustable according to the combination of materials and coatings used. Depending on the type of process, a rinsing stage can be integrated directly into the machine or it can be carried out by another dedicated Fastrip system. The Fastrip S machines can interface with FASTRIP FP series’ filtration systems in order to significantly improve the service life of the paint stripping solution.
Fastrip ISP is a stripping machine featuring a horizontal tank above which the rail runs for the in-line handling of hooks and frames intended for electrostatic coating processes. These are immersed and flow into the stripping bath for a variable time of approximately 2 minutes. After leaving the chemical bath while still hanging onto the chain, they result perfectly clean and ready to be used in a new coating cycle.
Discover the production process of METALSTRIP, the chemical paint stripping product line by ALIT Technologies Spa, an internationally recognized Italian company known for its expertise in chemical paint stripping.