Geico Cuts Down The Energy Consumption: -22% Per Body, Thanks To The J-Hive Project

Date: 21/03/2016
Autor: Redaktion
Kategorien: Andere Neuigkeiten

Increasingly near to the goal of the Energy Independence Day, which involves the construction of a energy self-sufficient paint shop, consisting of a 70% cut of the energy consumption and a 30% use of renewable energy.

Geico, an international leader in the design and manufacture of automated turnkey vehicle body painting plants, keeps cutting the energy consumption, reaching a -22% on consumption compared to a traditional solution with the innovative design of the J-Hive painting booth, a revolutionary octagonal cell for painting car bodies.

In recent years, Geico has heavily invested in innovation, creating the "Pardis Innovation Centre", a technology centre of excellence for research and development. The goal is to create the first energy self-sufficient paint shop by June 16th, 2020, the Energy Independence Day, the day when Geico will present its results in sustainable innovation. From the beginning of the project in 2005, when a paint shop used to burn about 900 kWh per body, the company has reached several important milestones.

In 2013, it was inaugurated the Qoros plant in China, designed and made by Geico, where consumption is about 450 kWh per body. Today, Geico is able to realize plants which consume 315 kWh for coating a single body.

The J-Hive cell, fully patented by Geico, is another step towards the Energy Independence Day. The project, in fact, allows the use of a single robot for painting both the interior and exterior of the body and, thanks to its octagonal shape, it not only allows to reduce the space occupied by the cell but also decreases the air in the booth, thus reducing the energy consumption of 22%. This also ensures a reduction of the footprint by 27%. This innovative product, which was presented at Surcar Conference in Shanghai, the most important international conference in the automotive world, won the Innovation Award 2015, the prestigious award given to the most innovative companies.

"The goal of Geico is to achieve a fully sustainable growth and innovation, while protecting the environment. Our aim is to be able to create a paint shop that is able to save 70% of consumption and to fill the remaining 30% using renewable energy. We are proud of the results obtained by our research and development center, through which every year we get closer and closer to our goal", says Ali Reza Arabnia, President and CEO of Geico Taikisha Group.

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