Evonik Launched a New Holistic Sustainability Strategy

Date: 17/02/2022
Categories: Sustainability
Evonik promotional poster

Evonik will address seven handprint effects to benefit the entire value chain and reduce environmental footprint.

Evonik has announced the introduction of a new strategy that will focus not only on bio-based products, but also on the entire value chain. With the claim “Sustainability goes deeper than the surface,” the company has introduced a new holistic approach to sustainability that is expected to reduce the environmental impact and maximise the handprint of the final coating.

“Sustainability is about so much more than just being green. It's about the consistent viability of saving time, materials, and energy. We are convinced that to produce truly sustainable products the formulation itself must be more environmentally friendly and safer,” stated Gaetano Blanda, the Head of the Coating Additives business line of Evonik.

“The handprint of a product is the difference between an established and an improved condition of a single environmental impact. For example, when our product enables the formulator to significantly reduce the VOC content in a coating’s footprint – then the difference to the VOC content in the reference coating is the handprint of our additive,” added Tim-Frederic Sloot, the Head of Sustainability at Evonik Coating Additives.

The seven handprint effects

Evonik has then bundled its new sustainability approach into seven different handprint effects that will influence the steps of the value chain, from the manufacturing process, via the end-use of coated articles to the disposal or recycling. The seven handprint effects will focus on:

  1. Safe Use: carrying out individual actions to reduce safety related risks of products, such as replacing hazardous components;
  2. Production Efficiency: offering solutions to optimise and reduce the amount of material and utility needed from customers, such as reducing energy usage during the grinding step of a formulation;
  3. VOC Reduction: expanding the portfolio of sustainable additives and resins;
  4. Sustainable Feedstocks: replacing fossil raw materials with more sustainable feedstocks;
  5. Durability: saving raw materials and emissions by providing durable coatings that reduce the need for maintenance or replacement;
  6. Labels/Compliance: providing customers with extensive regulatory information for the whole portfolio;
  7. Circular Solutions: improving the end of life of coated and printed articles.

The Next Generation Solutions

Besides maximising the handprint, the company will also minimise the footprint of its processes by using resources more efficiently and reducing emissions. So, it has carried out a comprehensive Portfolio Sustainability Assessment (PSA) using the framework of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). The products that have a clear positive sustainability profile are named as “Next Generation Solutions.” At the moment, almost half of Evonik’s coating additives are classified as next generation solutions.

“Our holistic approach enables our customers to contribute to a much more sustainable coatings and inks industry,” concluded Sloot.