2018 of ipcm: Year in Review

Date: 02/01/2019
Autor: Redacción
Categorías: ipcm

At the ipcm® editorial office it is time to consider what has been done and prepare for a 2019 full of events and innovations.

It is common knowledge that the new year often entails an evaluation of what has been done but also the planning of new projects and forecast on what is to come. We are not to be outdone.

Especially because 2019 is already looking like an intense year, full of innovations. Starting from this section, which we officially inaugurate with this post, and that will include articles, news, curiosities branded with ipcm®. Original and exclusive contents which will add to the sector news and magazines in order to offer our readers an editorial and information service at 360 degrees and to enrich even more our website's content – a website that aims to be a primary source for technical knowledge and a point of reference for everyone in the industry.

2019 will also mark the 10th anniversary of EOS, the publishing house of the ipcm® magazines. For the occasion, we are preparing an event to celebrate everything that has been accomplished in this first decade and to thank everyone who has contributed to the achievement of this important milestone.

But how was the 2018 of ipcm®? Intense for sure. 42 flights taken, 15 countries visited, 40 exhibitions in the world where our magazines have been distributed, more than 50,000 km travelled by car and over 50 companies visited in order to create exclusive articles for the 1400 pages printed every year. The cups of coffee drunk are unquantifiable

2018 was also a year of digital growth. We have extended and confirmed our online presence on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIN (where we are active with two groups for a total of 11,000 members), and we are committed to keeping the website up to date on a daily basis for all of our 50,000 monthly visitors.

We've also embraced the topic of Sustainability, launching a new dedicated section in the magazines and putting ourselves on the line in the pursuing of this practice: the office can now count on customized aluminium water bottles to reduce as much as possible the use of plastic. Borrowing the words of Paulo Coelho, "small things are responsible for great changes".

We are not stopping there.

2019 starts with a new look: a coordinated image for the social world of ipcm® and new layouts for the monthly and "Out Now" newsletters.

We're working to expand our contents on different media and to further develop our training offer which will see the collaboration of new professionals and a more comprehensive program.

Conferences and events are also numerous: we start on January 31 with a press conference at Confindustria Bergamo dedicated to DeburringExpo, the trade fair for deburring technology that will take place in Karlsruhe, October 08-10, 2019 and for which EOS is the sole agency for Italy, Spain and Portugal.

We are ready to start a new year of quality information. We hope that you decide to accompany us along the journey once again.

Happy new year!