Hecckem will supply the innovative additives of Byk to customers in Azerbaijan.
has recently announced that it has appointed Hecckem Kimyevi Mad. İth.İhr.A.Ş as the new authorised distributor of its paint additives in Azerbaijan. The companies can rely on a strong and long-standing partnership, as Hecckem – a supplier of raw materials for paint and construction chemicals in Turkey and its close geography – has previously served as a successful and reliable distributor of specialty chemicals in Uzbekistan, Georgia, Armenia, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan. The renewed collaboration reflects then a shared commitment to providing high-quality products and excellent customer service
to the region.
Part of the Altana Group, Byk is a global manufacturer of specialty chemicals, innovative additives and differentiated solutions that help to optimise material properties, as well as production and application processes. Its products improve the scratch resistance, the surface gloss, the mechanical strength and flow behaviour of materials and properties such as UV- and light stability and flame retardancy. Moreover, in the field of quality assurance, the measuring and testing instruments of the company serve to effectively assess appearance and physical properties.