Cortec Successfully Protects Traffic-Light Signals Against Corrosion

Date: 12/12/2024
Categorías: Casos de éxito
photo of traffic light signals

Cortec’s protective coatings can safeguard poles, bases, and control cabinets, significantly extending the lifespan of traffic signals, reducing maintenance costs, and improving the reliability and longevity of traffic control systems.

Traffic signals are crucial for maintaining order on the roads, but they are vulnerable to the damaging effects of harsh weather, which can accelerate wear and tear. To combat this, the anti-corrosion solutions provider Cortec® offers two effective tools to enhance the longevity of traffic signals and protect them from corrosion: protective coatings and Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors (VpCIs).

Traffic signal poles and bases are typically coated with outdoor-grade paint for protection, but these coatings can get damaged during transportation, resulting in small dents or scratches that may seem minor but can provide entry points for water and salt to corrode the metal. Once corrosion begins, it can spread beneath the paint, leading to visible damage and potential structural weakness.

To prevent this, proactive maintenance is key. Applying a clear protective coating over the original paint can help shield it from further harm and cover any exposed areas caused by scratches. For example, EcoShield® VpCI®-386, a water-based, easy-to-apply coating, offers excellent corrosion protection. Maintenance crews should regularly inspect traffic signal poles and bases for signs of damage, such as peeling paint, delamination, or fading gloss, and reapply the coating as necessary.

At intersections, large silver control cabinets house the electronics, wiring, and battery backups that power traffic lights. Although wires are often covered with durable sheathing, the risk of corrosion remains for exposed metal surfaces, especially electrical contact points. Moisture, deicing salts, and temperature fluctuations can lead to corrosion inside the cabinets.

A simple solution is to use Vapor phase Corrosion Inhibitors (VpCI®). Self-adhesive VpCI®-105 or VpCI®-111 Emitters can be placed inside the cabinet to offer long-lasting protection. These emitters release corrosion-inhibiting vapours through a breathable membrane, creating a molecular barrier on exposed metal surfaces. Depending on ventilation inside the cabinet, the emitters should be replaced every 1-2 years.

So, by using Cortec® Coatings and Emitters as part of regular maintenance, crews can prevent costly repairs or replacements. These simple, cost-effective measures can significantly extend the life of traffic signals, saving time and resources in the long run.