New End-Use Brochures of BYK-Gardner: QC Solutions for Coatings

Date: 11/06/2018
Autor: Redacción
Categorías: Other news

BYK-Gardner, a global leader in the field of measuring color, appearance and physical properties announces new publications focusing on QC solutions for specific end-use markets like coatings, plastic and cosmetics.

Coatings are fascinating. Not much thicker than a human hair, they combine a variety of functions. Besides their protection behavior and a perfect finish, they are expected to retain their good look and properties over a long time. Consistent and uniform quality are of particular importance when parts are manufactured in different production sites. The challenge is to find appropriate measurement procedures to guarantee defined quality over the entire production chain.

BYK-Gardner's new end-use brochure, "QC Solutions for Coatings" covers in an appealing way the various aspects of paint testing, gives valuable information and hints for daily work in the lab or production site. The first section of the brochure describes the technical theory behind each method. How to define a "Honey Yellow" and what is the meaning of metamerism? Color measurement of solid and metallic colors, flop index and sparkle evaluation is explained in a compact and easy to understand way. How does paint appear under different illumination angles or distances, and how does this correlate to gloss, DOI and orange peel measurement? How can I control curing conditions in the baking process, to assure optimum mechanical and decorative quality? Theory, customized to coating needs, is combined with typical applications including useful measurement techniques and best practices. Typical measurement needs with practical examples of the various coating applications from raw materials to architectural and decorative paints, industrial and wood coatings are described in detail. At the end of the brochure, you will find an overview of the BYK-Gardner solution for the coatings industry. The QC Solutions for Coatings brochure is available in a variety of different languages.