Out Now Issue n. 29 of ipcm Protective Coatings

Date: 24/04/2019
Autor: Redacción
Categorías: Other news

This first issue of the year brings our readers a completely renewed magazine: from now on, ipcm Protective Coatings will be published only in English, featuring a new appealing graphics and even more varied content, with a brand-new section dedicated to coating inspection.

On April 19, a terrible fire devastated the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. The flames swallowed the spire and two thirds of the roof, as well as the wooden structure that supported it. The trusses were those completed in 1326, with the original frames made between 1120 and 1240. It is estimated that around 1,300 oak trees were used to build them and, for this reason, the roof was also nicknamed "forest". The images of the blackened, stacked wood on the cathedral floor are shocking.

According to the statistics of the Comité Technique International de prévention et d'extinction du Feu (CTIF), in 2016 there were 3.5 million fires, of which almost 40% hit buildings. Apart from good prevention and safety practices and virtuous behaviours, there are two types of fire protection systems: active and passive.

This issue of ipcm®_Protective Coatings delves deeper into the passive fire protection systems recently launched by the multinational companies in this industry. Who knows, some of these technologies may be chosen for the reconstruction work on the Paris Cathedral.

Long-time and loyal readers will soon realise that this magazine issue also brings another important innovation, namely an editorial change: starting from this edition, ipcm®_Protective Coatings will be published only in English. The reasons for this decision were the increasingly global distribution of the magazine in both paper and digital format. the great visibility gained through ipcm®'s social activities, started two years ago especially on LinkedIn, and the loyalty of an audience of readers all over the world who work at the international level and speak English in their everyday working lives.

Yet, we have not stopped there. What you have in your hands is a completely renewed edition of ipcm®_Protective Coatings, with new, even more appealing graphics and an even more varied, carefully edited content, which now features also a brand-new section dedicated to coating inspecton