European Coatings Show Conference: 03 – 04 April 2017, Nuremberg/Germany

Date: 27/01/2017
Autore: Redazione
Categorie: Altre news

24 sessions packed with professional expertise.

Over the course of two and a half days Europe's leading conference on Coatings, Inks, Adhesives, Sealants and Construction Chemicals offers latest research results from academia and industry. International experts representing more than 50 countries will be gathering in Nuremberg to present recent developments, to debate and to inform.

No less than 24 sessions led by high-calibre presenters will explore issues like environmentally compatible formulations, UV curing, and functional paints and coatings that help prevent corrosion or microbial growth. The keynote speech in the plenary session on Monday morning will be held by Prof. Renaud Nicolay from the renowned City of Paris engineering school ESPCI (École Supérieure de Physiques et de Chimie Industrielles). He will discuss how covalent bonds can be used to realise new coating properties.

Ten additional pre-conference tutorials – run by renowned experts - on 02 April are offered as an option to provide a practical introduction to the conference. They are great preparation for actively joining the discussion on the ensuing days of conference.

Whether at the Welcome get-together in Nuremberg's old town on Sunday evening, during the conference breaks or at the After Work reception on Monday, the European Coatings Show Conference offers numerous and varied networking possibilities. All attendees will have the chance to meet face to face with the brightest minds in coatings technology.

Also, selected top sessions will also be available via live-stream at

For more information on the European Coatings Show Conference please visit: