Adapta Color: A new digital project inspired by their partners

Date: 27/03/2016
Categorias: Outras notícias

Adapta presents the new website - adapting and updating its contents.

Simultaneously with the release of the new chromatic collections, Adapta presents its latest digital project: The new website, with adapted and updated contents, a simple navigation focused on the customer easy access to information, especially for homologation certifications. The website is intuitive and adaptable to every kind of device: It shows the information in the most suitable way according to the different measures of the user screen.

In accordance to Adapta global strategy, the website is available in six languages: German, Spanish, French, English, Italian and Portuguese. The main innovation consist of the ease of consultation of the wide chromatic range offered by Adapta, a very appreciated element by users and used as starting point in the selection of finishes for their projects.

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