Coval Technologies Introduces Versatile Coval Matting Agent for Customisable Coatings

Date: 05/07/2024

The new matting agent of Coval simplifies inventory and enhances flexibility for installers and distributors.

Coval Technologies has released the Coval Matting Agent, which can be added to Coval’s gloss finish coatings to create a satin or matte finish. Previously, Coval coatings were available in gloss, satin, or matte finishes. Now, only the gloss finish will be sold, with the Coval Matting Agent added according to the desired finish.

The new matting agent can be added to Coval Concrete, Coval Ultimate Top Coat and Coval Vinyl, which are available in sizes of 15.4 grammes for 3.80 litres and 77 grammes for 19 litres. The matting agent must be combined with part of the coating in a mixing container using a paddle mixer with a hand drill at low speed. Next, the remaining solution is slowly added to the container in a 1 to 5-litre bucket and thoroughly mixed. It is also important to note that the Coval matting agent should only be used with the specified Coval coatings.

“The new Coval Matting Agent provides versatility and ease for installers, distributors, and end users. Installers can easily change the finish if a client decides to go to satin or matte instead of gloss, and the distributor has less varied inventory and SKUs to manage,” has stated Aaron Statser, the general manager of Coval.

Coval Technologies produces coating products that offer good stain resistance and durability through nanotechnology. With a global presence and a focus on sustainability, Coval aims to revolutionise the coatings industry by reducing environmental impact and improving efficiency.