Evonik Inaugurated a New Facility for Sustainable Biosurfactants in Slovakia

Date: 31/05/2024
The inauguration of the new Evonik plant in Slovenská Ľupča

Evonik advanced its bio-solutions portfolio with the first facility worldwide to manufacture industrial-scale rhamnolipid biosurfactants.

Evonik has officially inaugurated its new triple-digit million-euro facility in Slovenská Ľupča (Slovakia), which will be the first site of the company to produce industrial-scale quantities of sustainable rhamnolipid biosurfactants employed in coatings and many other applications.

The sustainable biosurfactants will be manufactured with an IP-protected fermentation-based process for rhamnolipid production, obtained from renewable corn feedstocks using a biotechnological process which yields a high-performing, non-toxic and biodegradable solution that provides an alternative to surfactants based on fossil sources.

“We go beyond to create entirely new solutions and drive the sustainable transformation across multiple industries. Our leadership, based on systems thinking and a shared vision with our customers, has made this scalable action possible,” has stated Christian Kullmann, CEO of Evonik.

The biotechnology capabilities at the plant have been built up over many decades, making it the logical choice for the first industrial-scale rhamnolipid production facility – thus reinforcing the position of Evonik in both the local and international markets. Driven by sustainability, the company is using innovative bio-solutions to address the challenges through closed-loop carbon systems, while maintaining high functionality and preserving biodiversity.