January in Review

Date: 05/02/2019
Autor: Redaktion
Kategorien: ipcm

Sustainability, events and training.

It is often said that January is the month when the most lies are told, this is because of all the New Year resolutions being broken.

However, the editorial staff of ipcm® have worked hard in order not to break their word given to the readers: in the January issue of ipcm® – the number that traditionally opens the editorial year - the section dedicated to sustainability, announced in 2018, has made its official debut.

It has debuted with the publication of Five on Five, the first of a series of interviews with major global players from within the coatings industry, who have agreed to put themselves on the line and discuss the role of sustainability within the industry, identifying its advantages, complexities, benefits and risks.

Sustainability, not only as a practice but also in terms of innovation, is also the common denominator of the technologies described in the pages of ipcm®, which showcase excellent examples of Green Chemistry and Green Engineering: low environmental impact and reduced consumption are combined with an ever-increasing level of automation, which on the one hand allows greater efficiency in production processes, on the other, it gives rise to the need of finding and training specialized operators.

ipcm leads you around the world

In January we also published of one of our readers' most appreciated tools: the 2019 international guide to fairs, conferences and events.

How much time do we spend in identifying the most suitable fairs and events to promote our products or to expand our network and leads? ipcm comes to the rescue of industry professionals with this calendar, distributed both with 15,000 hard copies and available for free for consultation and download via our homepage. The guide collates in on place all of the most important events for the surface treatment sector held in 2019 worldwide.

Speaking of events, this month we had the opportunity to attend The Coatings Summit, which took place in Paris on January 31st and February 1st. During the two-day event, leading executives of the sector discussed the consolidation of the coatings market through acquisitions and mergers, the potential offered by the Chinese market, the importance of sustainability and the digitization of the processes. Our readers will be able to read the details of the event in the next issue of ipcm®, out in March.

An improved training program recognized at European level

During January we have also defined one of the major novelties of the ipcm® world which concerns the 2019 ipcm_Academy training offer.

The courses, now in their eighth edition, now offer an even more comprehensive modular training program, both theoretical and practical, for coating operators and for quality control in the general industry. Moreover, starting this year, the courses will allow participants to obtain a certificate recognized at a national and European level, thanks to the system of certification of competences of the Regione Lombardia.

The courses will take place at Innovhub SSI in Milan in two sessions – between March and June and in October and November. Further information will soon be available on www.myipcm.com. For any questions you can contact us at corsi@ipcm.it.

Lastly, as we prepare to face a busy February – with the publication of ipcmIbérica, ipcmLatinoAmérica and ICT_Industrial Cleaning Technologies - you can grab a copy of our magazines at Surface Design Show, Pumps & Valves and Middle East Coatings Show.