Leading Global Companies and Top European Universities Partner Up for the Carbon Footprint Challenge

Date: 19/06/2019
Autor: Redaktion
Kategorien: Andere Neuigkeiten

The Carbon Footprint Challenge is a UNITECH International initiative, enabled by its corporate partners Covestro, Bühler and Evonik as well as nine top European universities connected to the Unitech network with the aim of finding solutions to fight climate change.

The Carbon Footprint Challenge is an open innovation challenge for students and young professionals to support and develop ideas in collaboration to turn them into sustainable business opportunities. Ideas that can decrease the carbon footprint of manufacturing, industrial processes as well as for products throughout their entire value chain.

"The chemical industry in particular needs to become even more sustainable and is looking for fresh ideas. We don't develop them on our own – therefore, we rely on the best minds bringing in open-mindedness and ingenuity", says Dr. Markus Steilemann, CEO of Covestro.

Up to July 7, everyone can submit their idea. A jury of experts will select the 25 best ideas that will advance to the next phases. At the end of July, the 5 best teams will be selected for the final event, which will take place on September 6-7, in Zurich, Switzerland. The winning team will be rewarded with up to CHF 10,000 to support the realization of the idea.

"Again and again, the Carbon Footprint Challenge brings a broad diversity of people, ideas and energies together to address the key issue of our times," says David Ward, Secretary General of Unitech International.

Last year, the finalists' ideas of the Carbon Footprint Challenge ranged from new fibre materials made from coconuts to power and freshwater systems for small islands. Registrations and teams were seen from 80 countries, making the Carbon Footprint Challenge truly global, putting light on challenges and opportunities from all over the world.