ESIG Solvents Award 2019 Now Open for Entries

Date: 09/04/2019
Categories: Other news

The European Solvents Industry Group (ESIG) launched on 1st February the Solvents Award 2019 in order to highlight not only safe but also sustainable use of solvents with respect to health and safety, environmental improvements or product performance or any combination of these.

Applications are open to downstream users of solvents, including anyone involved in the distribution, formulation, storage or use of a solvent including their trade associations on the ESIG website at:

The ESIG Solvents Award is a relaunch of the Product Stewardship Award created in 1999. The Award's eight editions rewarded companies across Europe for their commitment to improve work habits, reduce the impact of solvent use in all health, safety and environment aspects, or enhance product performance. The ESIG Solvents Award 2019 aims at promoting innovative and responsible best practice initiatives to achieve health, safety and environmental excellence, enhance product performance, better cooperate with the value chain, or reach out to society.

"The relaunch of our Award is a great opportunity to showcase your achievements in solvents handling, distribution or use to your suppliers and customers, as well as to regulators, industry and media. We encourage the many solvent downstream user companies to share their best practices and look forward to receiving their application for this AWARD", says Cornelia Tietz, ESIG Secretary General.

Closing date for entries: 30th April 2019

An expert jury made up of senior representatives from the EU institutions, trade press and trade organisations will select the winner over the summer. The winner will be announced at a local or regional event as well at a European event relating to the area of the winning contributions alter this year. Shortlisted candidate will also be promoted.

For further information, please contact the ESIG secretariat at