Parts Cleaning Day 2019 at SurTec: Focus on Recycling and Media Treatment

Date: 05/02/2019
Categories: Other news

Surface treatment specialist SurTec has organised its 13th Parts Cleaning Day, focussing on recycling and media treatment, on March 13, 2019 at its headquarters in Zwingenberg.

All interested players, such as planners, cleaning system procurers, and plant operators are invited to exchange ideas and make contacts. This event is not free.

A guided tour will also offer the opportunity to gain interesting insights into the company.

Experts answer all questions How do we achieve the longest bath life possible? What does optimal processing mean? How does modern particle filtration work and what methods are available? SurTec's professionals will answer to this kind of questions during the event. Other experts from the industry will also be available to talk.

Legal requirements: achieving a long bath life In the framework of legal requirements on waste water discharge (AbwVO), it is increasingly important to tackle the issue of stable cleaning baths. Indeed, this German regulation requires plant operators to treat their process baths with methods that can guarantee their longest service life possible. If suitable, bath ingredients should to be recir-culated from rinsing baths to process baths. Actually, stable baths offer several advantages in terms of parts clean-ing: they enable to save resources and they guarantee a consistent cleaning quality level and the required compo-nent cleanliness degree.