Azelis Signed the Science Based Targets to Highlight Industry Leadership in Sustainability

Date: 29/07/2024
Photo of Azlies representatives while signing for SBTI

Azelis confirms its commitment to sustainability by signing the Science Based Targets initiative to develop greenhouse gas emission reduction targets and minimise its carbon footprint and environmental impact.

Azelis has recently signed the Science Based Targets (SBTi) initiative's letter of commitment to develop greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, with the aim of minimising its carbon footprint and environmental impact.

SBTi is a global organisation for climate action aimed at companies wishing to set science-based targets to mitigate their environmental impact. In line with the Paris Agreement's goal of limiting global warming, SBTi provides a framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“I’m proud of our commitment to SBTi, reflecting our ongoing dedication to being an industry leader in sustainability. By developing these science-based targets, we are taking critical steps toward reducing our environmental impact and driving meaningful change in the industry. I look forward to working together with all stakeholders to extend our impact beyond that of our company,” has stated Anna Bertona, Group Chief Executive Officer at Azelis.

Azelis, by committing to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), will develop global reduction targets and action plans for its Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, thereby extending its sustainability focus beyond its operational footprint and positioning the company for long-term success in a low-carbon economy. Furthermore, Azelis' performance in executing its sustainability strategy is reflected in its ratings from CDP, EcoVadis, Sustainalytics, and the BEL® ESG index, further demonstrating its leadership in the sustainable chemical industry.

“Our participation in SBTi is another testament to our vision for sustainability at Azelis. We are working on an extended sustainability program and our greenhouse gas emissions will play a crucial role in the goals set. SBTi is the gold standard for greenhouse gas emission reduction, and aligning with their initiatives will only propel Azelis further as the leading provider of sustainable products and services,” has added Michael Heite, Group Sustainability Director at Azelis.

Etiqueta: Azelis