Evonik Inaugurated a New Facility for AEROSIL® Easy-to-Disperse Silicas

Date: 28/06/2024
Categorías: Corporativo
Image of silicia for paints and coatings from Evonik

The new production facility for high-quality silica from the AEROSIL® family will strengthen Evonik's position in the international paints and coatings market.

The multinational company Evonik has recently opened a new facility for its innovative pyrogenic silica dispersion technology in Rheinfelden (Germany). More specifically, the new site was established to supply AEROSIL® Easy-to-Disperse (E2D) products, a technology that simplifies the incorporation of silica as a rheological additive in paint and coating formulations.

“The enhancement of the AEROSIL E2D technology capabilities demonstrates our commitment to the Rheinfelden site, where we have been successfully producing fumed silica for decades. This not only ensures quality, but also increases the global availability of our products,” has stated Stefan Fiedler, Head of the AEROSIL operating group in Rheinfelden.

The AEROSIL E2D pyrogenic silica products offer good dispersibility, simplifying and increasing the efficiency of the production process of paints, coatings and inks, unlike traditional methods for dispersing rheological additives that require a lot of time and energy.

“Our AEROSIL E2D products offer our customers improved process efficiency as well as optimized end-product performance. The main benefit for our customers is the accelerated dispersion of the silica, yielding significant savings in time, energy, and costs, and consequently CO2 emissions. This enables our customers to develop more advanced and sustainable coating solutions,” has added Oliver Kroehl, Head of Silica at Evonik Coating Additives.

The Rheinfelden expansion is part of ongoing investment in coating and ink additives of the company, with a focus on the development of environmentally friendly and sustainable products. The Coating Additives business line of Evonik offers a wide range of speciality coating additives for various markets, including industrial and automotive coatings.